Sister (Francis x Reader)

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I reflected on the past two weeks as I stared out at the ghost-like city from the rooftop. We had just barely escaped both a horde and a huge, hulking zombie that I believe was called a 'tank'. It was a miracle that nobody was hurt too badly. The tank had almost crushed Francis to death, and nearly caused Zoey to fall to her doom.
I sighed.
At least we were alive.
A new weight on my shoulder took me from my thoughts. The arm's many tattoos easily helped me to identify the person.
"What's up, Francis?" I asked, turning around to face him.
"Woah, were ya really that out of it that you didn't notice the helicopter?
A helicopter?
"Uh, yeah. Sorry, got lost for a second there," I chuckled nervously.
"Eh, it's fine. At least the rest of us caught it. There's a evac point at Mercy Hospital, we just gotta fight our way there." He explained to me.
I nodded in understanding, and that was it. I silently wished we had more interaction than just talk of survival. Francis was a cool guy, and, if I was being honest with myself, not that bad looking either. I grabbed a medkit and some more ammunition for my silenced SMG, and followed the rest of the group down the stairs.
   The fight to the first safe room was mild in comparison to what our group of survivors had previously been through, but was difficult nonetheless. The silence in the streets was eerie, uneasiness in the air. So, being the lovely (and honestly talkative) person that I am, I decided to start some small-talk to ease everyone up. Zoey and Bill both didn't want to talk, they were too focused on getting to the next safe house. Louis and I chatted for about 30 seconds before running out of conversation material. Guess we weren't clicking. Then, I decided to try Francis.
   "So, what did you do before this all went to shit?" I asked, falling back behind the group to walk with him.
   He paused, thinking about his answer for just a moment.
   "I was a cop."
   I snorted, trying to hold in loud laughter.
   "C'mon Francis. You? A cop? What did you really do?"
   "Nah, nah, I'm serious! I was a cop.. for about er.. twenty seconds? Then I was arrested."
   I stared at him for a few minutes.
   "The hell do you mean by that?"
   He went on to explain his situation at the very beginning of the apocalypse. He was out of a job, frequented bars, and stole what he wanted or needed from stores.
   I whistled in response.
   "Wow, tough time, huh?"
   "Heh, yeah, no kidding."
   "Yo, Francis?" I hesitated to ask, but had decided to go through with it anyways.
   He hummed in response.
   "Did you, by any chance, have a girlfriend before all this?"
   "Er, I mean there was Becky, but then she puked all over my vest and tried to eat my face off. She was honestly just an easy lay. Other than that, nah. Why you asking?"
   The words got stuck in my throat before I pushed them out, all at once.
   "Woah, woah. Slow down. What?"
   I sighed.
   "Because I really like you and, honestly, I was asking because er.. man, I don't know where I'm going with this," I chuckled dryly, as awkward silence set in.
   "Hey, don't get me wrong, I like ya too, but more like a.. a sister. Yeah. Besides, we've only known each other for like two weeks. But uh, thanks." He offered a small smile before running ahead to join the others.
   "Stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid." I muttered to myself as I continued behind them.
   At least we were still teammates.
   At least we were still alive.

(A/N) hi sorry yes this is a crappy one, but I'm out of ideas. Writers block. Help me out by requesting stuff!!

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