Voice (Smoker x Immune! Reader) {pt. 1/2}

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"Shit," you cursed, digging through your bag.
You had forgotten ammo.
In the middle of the zombie fuckin' apocalypse.
'Good Job, (y/n),' you cursed, mentally.
Now what? You were completely alone in this god-forsaken hospital, just attempting to make it to the rooftop for any chance of survival. With no ammunition, and, in turn, no weapons, your chances of making it out alive just lowered exponentially.
You huffed in frustration, throwing your now-useless pistol to the ground.
'What the hell am I going to do? I have to call the elevator down to this level and that's going to alert a hoard.. with no weapon, and no way to the rooftop, I'm completely screwed.'
You paced back and forth for a moment in front of the elevator, trying to figure out just what the hell you were supposed to do. You could make a weapon, maybe out of some scrap metal laying around? No, no, that wouldn't work, there's none here! Perhaps you could backtrack and attempt to find a weapon in a closet or the previous safe room? No.. too far back. You'd most likely run into a hoard. Definitely want to avoid that in this situation. You were so absorbed in your own thoughts, you hadn't noticed the figure peering around the wall, not too far away from you. You didn't hear the footsteps as it came closer, and you definitely didn't hear it's coughing.
The smoker let out a raspy cry, before it's tongue shot out at you, wrapping around you and dragging your startled and frantic form closer to your, what you thought as imminent, death.
You struggled with all of your strength as you were dragged closer to your doom, trying to pry the infected's tongue off of you proved to be useless. However, you were more than slightly shocked when you were simply gripped by the infected, rather than being torn apart. It's tongue was still firmly wrapped around your being, but it's hands were only gripping your forearms, no mauling included.
You looked up at the smoker, curious as to what stopped it from ripping you to shreds, like you've seen the others do. It was staring down at you, it's beady, yellow eyes boring into yours, as if gazing at your very soul. You didn't know what in the world you were going to do.
'Should I say something.. maybe?'
"Uh.. are you going to, I don't know, kill me?" You ask, hesitantly.
The infected kept staring at you, silent except for the occasional coughs and wheezes it let out. You looked back down towards the ground, avoiding its gaze. Ah, trying to get it to respond in some way was a stupid idea anyway, it probably couldn't understand you, let alone talk.
"D-different." A raspy voice spoke, suddenly.
The voice caused you to glance up at him, a confused and startled glint in your (e/c) eyes.
"I'm sorry, what?"
"You... Different."
You were amazed, never in a million years did you suspect that an infected would be capable of speech (besides the animalistic noises you were already aware they were capable of).
"I Uh.. what do you mean?" You asked, slightly confused as to what it meant.
The grip on your left arm was lifted, suddenly, as it grabbed a fistful of your hair and jerked your head back, inhaling your scent. You were surprised, and slightly disgusted, to say the least.
"Smell.. good. I keep.."
The last part startled you. Keep what?
Hell no.
You began struggling as the infected's grip on your arms returned, instead picking you up this time, and hoisting you over it's shoulder. It's tongue remained, wrapped around your form tightly (you suspected to keep you from escaping). It began to walk, away from the elevator and further into parts of the hospital you hadn't seen before.
There was only one thing you knew.
You were terrified.

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