*Europe Pt. 4*

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"Pete, can you hear us?" I ask, glancing at him through the window and praying that he doesn't fall off prematurely.

"Yeah, I can!" He yells. "It's just a little loud out here!"

"I like the new suit," Happy compliments him. I do too. The black and red makes him look more mature.


My eyes fall on the cityscape of London before us. There's this massive elemental- scratch that, projection. Even though I know it's fake, worry still courses through me.

"Whoa," Happy says, voicing my thoughts. "Peter, you sure that's not real?"

"Yeah! It's just... a hundred times bigger than I expected."

"Still the play?"

"Uh huh! We need to get high enough so that it doesn't see me coming!"

"Copy," Happy replies, shifting the plane upwards. "Stay sticky!"

"I'll see you down there, Peter," I say. He looks at me though the windows and nods.

"Hey, Happy?"

Happy looks concerned. "Yeah kid? What is it?"

"We need to have a serious conversation about you and my AUNT!" His voice fades away as he slides off of the jet. I gasp, but he just used a glider-like application on the new suit.

I roll my eyes. "So much for staying sticky," I mumble. When it comes to dramatics, he's almost as bad as Tony. "Happy, are we almost there? I need to find Peter's friends!"

"Descending down. Get ready to hop out, I'll have the jet waiting for you." He gives me a look. "Be safe. I don't want your husband to stab me to death."

"You got it." I think about Loki in New Asgard and Claire home with Pepper. They're both safe. I'll see them soon enough.

"Okay, get going." I don't hesitate to sprint out.

The streets of London are absolute chaos. People screaming and running and I can barely make my way through the crowds. I almost cry with relief when I find Ned about thirty feet away. I sprint faster than I ever have, and his eyes widen when they see me, but I give him a warning look. You don't know me right now.

"Hey, I've got to get you guys out of here!" I yell to Ned and the other three. One is MJ, one is the guy with the really bad British accent, and then there's a blonde girl.

"HOLY CRAP IT'S THE SOL!" The boy screams, pointing his phone camera at me. "ARE YOU GETTING THIS, FLASHMOB?"

"Stop it! We need to move!" I snap, glancing at Ned. When I need to take charge, it's like a new Eliza. One who doesn't take nonsense. I used to be lighter on missions, back with the original Avengers. But Nat and Tony are dead and Steve's an old man. There's no one to joke around with anymore. "I'm here to get you out of here! Let's go to the jet!"

"Who the hell is that?" One of them asks.

Happy appears behind me, panting heavily. "We've got to get you guys out of here!"

"Who are you?" MJ asks, confused.

"I work with Spider-Man, okay, you gotta get on that jet!"

"You work with SPIDER-MAN?!?" The annoying boy asks. I just want to get them out of here, but Happy gets extremely offended by this.

"Happy, let's just go," I mutter, but he's not having it.

"I work with Spider-Man, not for Spider-Man!" Out of nowhere, the jet explodes from behind us. "New plan!"

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