Chapter 7

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"This way," Loki says, guiding me up sets of stairs and through hallways, a gentle hand always on the small of my back.

"Where are we going?" I ask sleepily. Whatever pills Bruce gave me are tiring me out more than I already was, which is saying something. I'm ready to fall on the bed and pass out.

"Our room. You need to rest. No protests!" He says, holding up a hand to silence my spew of reasons why I need to be doing something productive. "They all understand, darling. You've been stranded in space for many weeks now. You need a break."

"Okay," I sigh. "Our room? When did we get one of those? I literally didn't even tell some of these people we're married!"

"They know now. I suppose I should say yours. It's where I've been staying."

"Lokes, don't you have your own room here?"

"Yes, but I felt more comfortable in yours. And now, it is ours." A shy smile creeps onto his face. "I have a surprise for you." He swings open the door. The two-room suite appears exactly the same as it did a few years ago, the piano in the corner and my bookshelves still full. There's one major difference, though. Ophelia is curled up sleeping on an incredibly tall stack of books.

"You brought her back!" I whisper excitedly, moving as fast as I can to pet the kitten between her ears. She lets out a low purr, and I giggle.

"Of course I did. I wouldn't leave her alone." He craftily picks up the top book on the stack and slides her onto the couch, where she won't plunge to the ground as easily.

"Like how I left you?" He turns to face me, his emerald eyes sparkling strangely in the light.

"We didn't leave each other, Eliza. Circumstance pulled us apart. Sometimes life works in that way. The important thing is we're together now." I stand on my tiptoes and give him a kiss on the forehead. "Let's get you changed and in bed, okay? We can talk tomorrow."

I don't feel up to taking a shower, but he washes my face and braids my knotty hair back, peppering me with occasional kisses and healing minor cuts. It feels nice to be loved and taken care of. My clothes shimmer into my favorite oversized Stanford sweatshirt, shorts, and a pair of fuzzy socks. "You're the best," I mumble as he leads me to bed. I slide under the covers and my drooping eyes focus on a little polaroid on the nightstand. "You still have this?"

He nods. "I always carry it."

"We were so young," I say, reminiscing those golden days.

"Love, that was only three years ago. We still are young," he points out.

"Not you. What is it, fourteen hundred twenty-seven? I'm guessing, by the way." I giggle in a very unlike-me way, then yawn.

"Go to bed, darling," he replies, tucking a stray piece of hair behind my ear. "We'll have the rest of our lives to talk."

"I love you," I whisper, smiling the slightest bit. He switches off the lamp and I move closer to him. Loki automatically wraps his arms around me, and I feel safe for the first time in weeks. I faintly hear his voice as I drift off.

"I love you, too."


I wake up still in Loki's embrace, feeling so much better than yesterday. I'm still sick, but it feels more like a manageable cold. His long hair tickles my nose, and I try to hold in the sneeze, but it comes out. He startles awake but calms down quickly.

"Good morning, love," he whispers, giving me a kiss on the nose.

"Hi, handsome," I whisper back giddily.

"How are you feeling?"

"Much better. Can we go get breakfast? I want to check on Tony, too."

"That sounds like an excellent idea," he says, sliding out of bed.

"I'm going to get dressed," I say, hopping out of bed and running over to my closet. He grabs my arm, pulls me closer. Despite having been married to him for over a year and knowing him better than I know myself, my pulse still speeds up.

"I've missed you." His jade eyes dance with mischief.

That's all it takes. He crushes his lips to mine. My hands immediately go to his raven hair, messing up his locks that somehow always look immaculate. I love him so much. I missed him, missed this. We stop for a moment to breathe, noses inches apart. He grins widely as I quickly close the distance again, desperate for more. I'm kissing my prince like there's no tomorrow when the bedroom door swings open.

"Loki? Lady Eliza? Everyone downstairs is looking for- AAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!" Thor screams, dropping Stormbreaker and dashing from the room, shutting the door as he does so. A second later, it opens a crack, just enough for Thor to yank his axe out before it slams shut. Loki and I dissolve into peals of laughter. I laugh until my sides hurt, and then some more.

"He should learn about a little thing called knocking," Loki smiles, shaking his head.

"We were just kissing!" I say, exasperated.

A timid voice comes from outside of the door. "You two are supposed to come down. We have urgent matters to discuss, but I'm not sure if you are... busy." Loki rolls his eyes.

I peek my head out and smile at my brother-in-law. "We'll be down in a few minutes. Thank you, Thor."

"...You're welcome." Then he's gone. I laugh again.

"We should get moving, Lokes," I say. He stops me.

"Where were we?" He asks playfully.

"I think I was gonna take a shower."

"I don't remember it happening like that, darling."

"Well, I do. You can kiss me after."

"I am a prince. I will kiss you whenever I wish."

"Except in front of your brother, right? We don't want more little girl screams."

"Thor always ruins my fun," he says grouchily, tugging a gray v-neck off a hanger.

"We can have fun later. This comes first." I give him a peck on the cheek and head for the bathroom.

"You drive me crazy, you know that?" He asks, rolling his eyes once again.

"I'm very aware of that. See you in a bit. And fix your hair!" I call, eyeing his disheveled appearance. He grins.

Little bit of fluff, but I think we needed it.

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