Chapter 29

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Loki. Where is he? I search around the battlefield and spot him and Wanda combining their powers into something truly deadly. Red and green bursts of light knock enemies back by the dozens. But how am I going to get there?

"Your Highness, do you need a lift?" Val swoops in on her Pegasus, grabs my hand, and pulls me up behind her. The wind whips my hair around as we fly. 

"Thanks!" I put my arms around her waist as she takes a nosedive, screaming the entire time.  This is a hundred times worse than Steve's motorcycle. A thousand times worse.

"Haven't you been on one of these before?"

"They don't just wander around the streets!"

She laughs. "Where are we headed, Eliza?"

"There!" I point to Loki, who is now alone. Wanda seems to be fighting Thanos solo, and by the looks of it, she's almost got him. Red light swirls everywhere. She guides the Pegasus to the ground and I slide off. She departs back into the sky without another word. I instantly throw my knife over Loki's head and into the alien who was about to attack him. He spins around, surprised. I've always had good aim. Natasha taught me, after all. I'm going to make her proud.

"Hi love," I say, winking. He wraps his arms around me.

"You're not hurt, right?"

"Not yet."

"Well, I'm going to keep it that way."

Battle rages on. Each time I throw a dagger, a new one magically appears in my hand, thanks to Loki. We keep each other safe, covering, ducking, constantly in motion. It's like a dance. A violent, bloody dance. Meanwhile, the stones keep getting passed around. I can barely keep up with the conversation in my comm. Clint, T'Challa, Peter. And then I hear a terrifying thing.


Loki conjures up a shield to protect us both, holding me tightly with one arm. I watch wide-eyed as sorcerers across the battlefield do the same. Explosions rain everywhere.

"What's that?" Loki asks, motioning to a purple and red streak in the sky. All of the cannons instantly switch and begin to fire at it instead. It flies closer and closer until I can distinguish it. Or should I say she...

Carol flies through a ship, causing it to land on Thanos' troops.

"Oh, yeah!" I hear Rocket yell. We just got that much more powerful.

Loki lowers the shield warily. No one is around us, so we take a moment to catch our breath.

"What are they doing?" I ask, squinting as a group of the female avengers begins to form near Carol.

"It looks like an all-female legion," Loki says. "Like the Valkyries."

"Hmm. Should I join them?" I don't know if I really feel like walking all the way over there for a little power moment. We're powerful anyway. We don't have anything to prove.

Loki considers this, morphs into me, teleports, and appears next to Carol and the rest. He pops back a second later, in his original form.

"No, that feels slightly cliche." He offers me a hand. "Back to the fight?" 

"Let's do this." He teleports us next to Tony.

"Hey," He says, as if we're not in the middle of a dangerous battle. "Hanging in there?"

"Yeah. You?"

He shrugs. "Frankly, I'm ready to end this. Go home, hang out with Morgan, watch a movie. Eat." Thanos throws both Steve and Thor backwards, knocking them unconscious. I need to help them. Now.

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