Chapter 5

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Ophelia trots playfully around Eliza's room, chasing a small ball of yarn. I give her a tight smile as she drops it at my feet. I set down my book and toss it for her again. Glancing at the clock, I realize how late it is. Past midnight.

"It's already tomorrow. We should be asleep, you silly little fluffball," I mutter, grabbing the kitten and depositing her on the bed. She immediately curls up and falls asleep. Lucky creature. I'm not looking forward to the coming nightmares. Without Eliza, they're worse, much worse. I wake up with no one to convince me it wasn't real. Thor keeps telling me I need more sleep, but I can't. Sometimes I just wander outside night, only coming in after the sunrise. It hurts to watch, but I feel connected to her through the sun. I consider morphing into a cat for the night, because my feelings will be less complex, but I don't want to forget: I want it to change. If only I had done things differently. If I hadn't left, if I had just destroyed the stone, she would still be here. Right there. Laying across from me, smiling. Maybe singing, maybe reading, maybe sleeping, but she would be here. My little sol.

Before I shut off the light, I glance at the picture I have sitting on the nightstand. The polaroid she gave me years ago for Christmas. The one with us in an Asgardian garden, when we began courting. I've carried it everywhere since that day.

The lamp starts to shudder. I look around, suspicious. Something must be happening. Another attack. I instantly slide out of bed, my nightclothes changing into normal wear with a snap of my fingers. I'm halfway down the hallway before I realize that the cat is following me.

"You need to learn when to stay inside," I say, sending her through a little portal before continuing on my way. When I grow impatient with walking, I teleport right to Steve, knowing that he'll probably have a grasp of what's going on.

"Outside," he mutters, running past me. Confused, I follow. I never would have followed anyone a few years ago. Rhodes, Pepper, and Bruce join us on the way. I wonder where Thor and Natasha are. Even that raccoon is here.

A rumbling sound fills the air. Something - no, someone is carrying a massive ship towards us. A woman, surrounded in light. I hold my breath, trying not to get my hopes up. She lands, turning towards us with a respectful nod as the hatch opens. Steve and I immediately dart ahead of the others to see. My heart sinks when I can't feel any trace of Asgardian magic on board. She's not there.

She's not there. Disappointment washes over me in waves. I was foolish enough to let myself hope, even for a few minutes.

A blue woman comes down, supporting an exhausted and malnourished Stark. Steve grips his arm, and the woman disappears back inside the ship. I should be thankful that we found Stark, that he's alive, but all I feel is empty.

"I couldn't stop him," Stark mutters, looking up at both of us with guilt written all over his gaunt face.

"Neither could we," Steve admits.

"I lost the kid."

"Tony, we lost." Pepper runs forward and envelopes Stark in a hug. I give her a brief smile. I'm happy for you, I say in her mind. She smiles through tears of joy.

I'm about to head back inside when I see her.

Eliza. Heavily leaning on the woman, but here and alive and beautiful as ever. I rush up the ramp to greet her.

"Thank goodness," I whisper, holding her face in my hands before giving her the biggest hug I think I've ever given anyone. I hold her close, determined to not let her slip through my fingers ever again. She's here. She's real. I'm not alone anymore. "You're here." I can't get enough of her, can't stop looking at her. My sol, my Eliza.

"You're alive," she whispers, the smaller twinkle in her eye. I brush a few messy locks of hair away from her face. She's much thinner than before, with dark circles around her eyes, but they're still that mesmerizing clear blue. Her lips still turn upwards into a sweet, smile. As I kiss her, I notice how unnaturally hot she is.

"Love, you're burning up. And shivering. You're unwell." The thought scares me. I let a bit of healing run through my hands as I touch her cheek. She smiles gratefully, but it fades quickly.

"Everything feels like fire, Lokes," she mumbles before dissolving into coughs. I hold her steadily until it ceases. "I feel so sick and my magic hasn't been right for weeks."

"Eliza." Steve comes over and pulls her into a tight but gentle hug. She's always been shorter than either of us, but seems smaller than ever.

"Steve," she says, burying her head into his shoulder. He glances at me, and I nod slightly, telling him it's okay. Any jealously I would have had is overridden by relief. "I'm sorry."

"You have nothing to be sorry for," he says, giving her a small grin and tilting her chin up. "You did everything you could. I'm just glad you're safe." His eyes meet mine. We have the same feeling of uneasiness. It bothers me that I can't feel her magic at all. It's also incredibly disconcerting to see Stark and Eliza so weak and beaten-down. She hugs Bruce next, who says nothing but looks like he might cry.

"I'm so sorry," I say, meaning every word. "I missed you so much."

"I missed you too." A small yawn escapes her mouth. Without asking, I scoop her up in my arms, holding her close. She's so light, so delicate. I love this woman. "Lokes, you don't need to-"

"I do need to, my little sol. You're safe now. Let me take care of you." The group starts to head inside, and I trail behind them.

"Okay," she whispers, closing her eyes and snuggling into my chest.

Reunited!!! I was so excited to write this scene, it brings all the feels! Leave your thoughts!

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