Sahara Stress

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(Word count: 470

Requested by kowaretoakan! Thought the idea was really cute and wanted to write it.)

"Ren, can you help me with the restocking? Mumbo won't restock the observers."

Iskall ran around Sahara like a madman, trying to fix all the modules and restock the items. Ren stood nearby, trying to keep track of what the Swede was doing.

Ren passed a shulker box of observers to Iskall. "This took two hours of quartz mining and another half hour for the cobble and Redstone."

Iskall absentmindedly took the box and flew over to the observer module. Sighing, he took out a paper and read it, though his eyes seemed to skip over a few lines.

Ren spoke up. "Iskall, you've been running yourself ragged lately. Wanna take a break?"

"I can't, Ren," Iskall said. "There's still so much more to do. The system for ice is malfunctioning. Someone spilled water over the side. Then I have to restock Sahara Now and build a new Sahara Fuel."

Ren sighed. Iskall had been like this for the past few days. "Hey, Iskall, you put the observers in the wrong place..."

Iskall looked back and realized he put the observers in the module next to it instead of the right one. "You have got to be kidding me." He quickly restocked it. "I'm on a schedule here. I have to go over to FunCraft and stream a new episode. Then I have to come back here and get materials for XP bottles and all of the things we need for Sahara Fuel."

"You need help?" Ren asked, growing a bit concerned for his friend.

" can bring those shulker boxes over to Sahara Now." Iskall said, pointing at a pile of boxes.

Ren opened them. SAAAAAAAAAND, for 25 diamonds.

"Hey, Iskall, you sure Sahara wants to sell a box of sand for 25 diamonds?"

Iskall looked over, his eyes twitching a bit. "Please don't tell me I labeled them wrong."

Ren opened another one. "RUDOLF FOOD, for a diamond?"

Iskall groaned. He stumbled over, but Ren took him by the shoulders and shook him a bit.

"Hey. You need to take a break. You're messing everything up. FunCraft can wait. Sahara Fuel already has one stop in one of the busiest places in Hermitcraft. Take a break, please?"

Iskall's shoulders sagged in relief, and he collapsed on the ground. Ren sat next to him and tried to cheer him up.

"Thanks, Ren," Iskall said.

"Hey, I would never desert you," Ren jokes lightheartedly. "Get it? Sahara, desert? Ha. Ha."

Iskall cracked a small smile. "That was terrible."

"So, did you finish you Sahara Fuel project? Oh, that's right, you left it to dry."

Iskall laughed—a real one this time. "Ren the dog. Your puns are the worst thing to come to Hermitcraft."

"You gotta admit it's better than working overtime, though."

"Fair enough. Hey, tell another one."

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