Chapter 25: Brush

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Your mind drifted as you collected purification water from a shrine near Reo's home with plastic bottles. You need it to cure his wounds. You are certain what brush it is that the Sorcerer wants and you also know how dangerous it is to acquire it. It's like diving to your own grave.

Your ringtone distracted you from your thoughts. You immediately reached your other hand to your pocket and answered. "Any news?"

"I went back to Kofuku-san's earlier. As you wished, I didn't told them about Yato meeting with Nora last night. They don't seem to be suspicious of it except from Yukine who I think is quite worried." You heard Riku talk from the other line. "Why won't you tell them?"

You removed the last bottle from the well and put it inside a plastic bag with the others before going back. "You know how it will affect Yukine. We'll have to handle this ourselves or at least inform Kazuma and Bishamon in case something happens."

"But why not Kofuku-san?"

"Well, they can be a little careless about this kind of things."

"Don't you think it will be bad if Hiyori-san-"

"That would be troublesome indeed. Humans are quick to forget us, but I don't think that's the case with her. She's a half ayakashi. Let's just trust her."

Riku sighed. "If you say so. I'll try to look for any traces of him. If what you said is true, he might go to those places in your list. Where did you get these anyway?"

"I just randomly picked it from the newspapers this week." You answered in a playful manner.


"Don't worry. If we're lucky, he'll show up. Don't forget to call me when you find him. Good luck, Riku~!"

"H-Hey! You weeb-" You finished the call before he can complain. You climbed to the terrace of Reo's room and slid the glass door open. "He's still unconscious."

You got yourself a towel and soaked it with the purification water you collected earlier. You started to wipe the marks on his face and neck first before proceeding on other infected parts of his body.

[If you chose Reo's route...]

You stared at his sleeping face for a while. His closed eyes are twitching due to his injuries. You removed his lavender coat and his loose necktie and unbuttoned his black shirt, revealing his pale skin. You thought that he looks skinny on the outside yet with his clothes off, he actually has a good body. You felt your cheeks warming and shook the thought out of your head. 'What am I doing?!'

You managed to clear the marks on his torso without actually looking. You looked at him again and noticed his breathing returning to normal. Who even did this to him? Was it the Sorcerer or Sorata alone? You wondered whether this would happen if you just cut ties with him. Knowing people from the Far Shore had only brought him trouble and cutting your ties with him will stop him from suffering. You can give him a brand new life away from danger yet why can't you do so? You felt your chest ache. Have you after all became selfish? Seeking happiness only for yourself? For self-satisfaction?

"What kind of a god am I?" You muttered to yourself as you clenched your fist.

"A perverted one maybe?" A pair of blue eyes stared back at you.

Your fist hit his head. "Why are you awake?!"

"Why ARE you here?" He returned the question to you.

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