Chapter 1: Cold Sky

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You ran, jumped, and vaulted on top of the houses and lampposts in the residential area you were in. You shivered from the cold wind as you covered yourself with your jacket.

"Smells nice." A large yellow flying ayakashi that looks like a bee is chasing you. You were only walking on a street when Nora suddenly appeared before you in an alley. She talked about you being homeless without a shinki protecting you from harm. She also persuaded you to join her and her so-called father, the sorcerer, in their plans but you refused and as a result she made this big ass ayakashi chase after you.

"Damn it! Nora sure knows how to annoy the hell out of me." You growled in frustration as you dodged the large needle-shaped hands of the ayakashi while still running. "And I even don't have a shinki with me! Ughhh! This is the worst!"

You ran for your dear life for several minutes before you managed to escape the large creature trailing you. You gasped for breath and wiped the sweat on your forehead. "Phew~ That was close." You continued on walking on the streets of the city, looking for a place to sleep. "Maybe I should stay on one of old man Tenjin's shrines again."

The city at night is very peaceful and cool for the humans who lived in it but to you, who is a homeless god, it's not as peaceful as the other's think it is because of your problems of getting chased by ayakashis everyday and the fact that you were homeless.

You were about to go out of the dark alleyway you were walking in when you heard a scream followed by several wolf ayakashis running after a spirit.

"AHHHHHHHH!!! F*CK! GO AWAY! DON'T CHASE AFTER ME, YOU CREEPY DOGS!" A voice of a male curses as he desperately ran for his life.

"Wrong turn I guess." You were about to go back to the street across the alley when the large ayakashi chasing you earlier suddenly appeared behind you. "Holy sh-"

It attacked you with the needle sticking out of it's buttocks which you dodged with a jump.

You ran to where you saw the spirit being chased by the other ayakashis. You thought that he might help you on your little problem for the two of you are both homeless and doesn't have anywhere to go to. You catched up to him and greeted him. "Yo! Care to be my shinki? I don't have any right now so you'll be a big help."

"Huh? Who are you?" The black haired teenage man with dark red eyes and pale white skin asked as he eyed you from head to toe.

"Oh come on! We're both in danger here. Does that even matter?" You glanced at him, figuring out his age. 'He's probably around 18. Not that hard to handle but... oh well. He'll do.'

The giant bee came to attack the both of you which shook the ground, causing for the both of you to lose balance.

The young man almost got bitten by one of the wolves before you pulled him with you, leaping on top of the bee's head, kicked it then jumped on the roof of a nearby house.

You faced him as you pointed your two glowing fingers and started writing a character in the air. "Thou, with nowhere to go and nowhere to return... I shall grant you a place to belong. My name is (y/n). Bearing a posthumous name, you shall remain here. With this name, I make thee my servant. With this name and it's alternate, I use my life to make thee a Divine Instrument! Thou art Rin! As Divine Instrument, Samui!" You held out your hand at the side as the man in front of you became a bright light. "Come! Saki!"

The bright light turned into a black katana with a hollow part in the middle of it's blade and has a small purple gem on top of it's handle.

The bright light turned into a black katana with a hollow part in the middle of it's blade and has a small purple gem on top of it's handle

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[A/N: just ignore the one in the left]

Images flashed on your mind, showing the past life of your sacred vessel. A crossing, a young girl, scissors, game console, books, and a dark room.

The bee flew in front of you after it got up from your kick earlier. It moved once again to attack you but you quickly jumped high to the sky.

You touched the blade of your new shinki from the tip of it and muttered. "You who would desecrate this land of the rising sun. With my advent, I, (y/n)... lay waste with the Saki and expel thy vast defilement!" You dived towards the ayakashi and moved around it, slashing it's body into smaller pieces. "Rend!"

The pattern, which usually appeared after killing a phantom, was displayed in the sky for few seconds as you land on the ground while kneeling.

You glanced at Nora who stood a few meters away behind you. "Seems like we're not finish yet, aren't we? I already told you, Nora. I won't join you and that insane sorcerer in your schemes. Leave me alone."

The wolf ayakashis around Nora growled at you while she has that same calm yet mischievous smile plastered on her face. "That's a shame, (y/n). Father was even looking forward to work with you."

"I don't have the slightest intention on bowing to that man. Now, go away. I don't have the time to chat with you." You glared at her while her small smile extended a bit.

"We'll meet again, (y/n)." She and the ayakashi's disappear, leaving you peacefully.

You sighed in relief and looked at your newfound vessel. "That was an amazing job you did back there. Revert, Rin."

He turned back to his human form at the mention of his given name. "Who are you anyways?" He looked at the character (Rin) written in red on his wrist.

You cheerfully smiled at him. "I'm a god."

"A god?" He paused for a while and then frowned. "You don't look like one."

"Hmph. Then you need to change the way you think how one looks like." You pouted and faced your back to him. You stopped when you noticed him not following you. "What are you waiting for? You don't want the ayakashi to eat you, right? Follow me."

"R-Right." He finally followed you. He doesn't have any choice but to do so unless he wants to be a prey for the phantoms lingering around the city.

And so this is how you met your shinki three months ago...

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