Kazuma's Route 1: A Date

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"Riku! I'm just going to take a walk for a while. Help Yukine-kun and the others, ok?" You told your shinki before you left Kofuku's house.

Riku stared at your clothes before you vanished from his sight. "Taking a walk with that outfit?"

"Where is (y/n)-chan going?" Kofuku asked while munching on a rice ball.

"Who knows?" Riku shrugged as he went back on wiping the floor.

As you arrived at your destination...

You checked on your phone while waiting for a certain someone who asked you out. "Hmmm? Where is he? Did I got here too early?" You looked around, trying to find him.

A hand covered your eyes from behind as you felt your head in contact with a male's chest. You tried to remove the hand away but since it was too tight you can't do so.

"Kazuma, I know it's you." You muttered before the brown haired man removed his hands and chuckled. You puffed your cheeks and looked at him. "You're the only one I'm meeting here so who else could it be but you?"

Kazuma continued on chuckling which made you slightly blush. "Sorry, (y/n)." He reached his hand to yours. "Come, I'll bring you somewhere else."

You hold onto his hand while he tightly yet gently gripped yours and dragged you to an amusement park. "Capypaland? Where did I heard this place again?"

"Probably from Yato." Kazuma said as the thought of Yato forcing Hiyori and Yukine to go to the famous amusement park came through your minds.

The two of you entered the park and started exploring it's rides. You went to the roller coaster first which seemed to took a large amount of Kazuma's energy. You dragged him to various thrilling rides and took photos in each of them so you could brag about them to Yato later. After spending time with him (mostly tiring him out), you decided to buy shakes from the food stalls for you and Kazuma.

Kazuma sighed in tiredness and sat on a nearby bench as he watches you cheerfully walking towards the stalls. "She sure is lively." He looked at the bright sky as he remembered about what happened a few days ago. 'Well, it's better than having those dull eyes.'

Your face appeared at the corner of his eyes as you looked down at him while handing him his shake. "What are you thinking about, Kazuma?"

"N-No, it's nothing." He reassuringly smiled at you while you sat beside him.

"You sneaked out again, didn't you? From Bishamon I mean." You asked him which he sheepishly nodded in reply. "Wouldn't that be bad? If this continues, it might be bad for you and Yato. You might be labeled a traitor in the near future."

"Don't worry about me, (y/n). If the time comes, I'll tell her." He stared at the ground for a while. "I just can't tell her that I trusted a Nora to kill my fellow clansmen. Now that Veena found Yato, it's hard to search for the right timing."

You thought for a while, thinking of his condition. "That's also true. If you tell her or not, the results will still be bad." You thought about it deeply before Kazuma started chuckling again.

"I told you not to worry about it." He said with the same gentle smile he always wears.

"Anyways, Kazuma, you do have something to talk about with me, right? You didn't called me here just to have fun, aren't you?" You turned to him and asked. "What is it?"

"I was just curious about why you want to go to Takamagahara that you'll go as far as to reveal Yato's location to Veena and then help him afterwards." He answered. "Is it something important?"

"Yup, it's very important and I can't just casually reveal something like that." You mysteriously smiled at him, not wanting to reveal your true intentions. "If you want to know, then you'll have to pay and by payment what I mean is not just a five yen coin~"

He sighed in defeat while you giggled. "You just won't unzip your lips, do you?"

You spent the afternoon with him, strolling around the amusement park. The two of you waited for the parade to start while chatting about what's going on in your current lives and the people around you.

The parade started as well as the fireworks display. It was amazingly beautiful that your eyes sparkled while watching it. The vivid colors of the lights that were used in the floats and the fireworks perfectly matched the darkness of the night.

On the other hand, unknown to you, a certain someone is staring at you, carefully admiring your features. Your joyful (e/c) eyes that are amazed by the scene in front of you and your beautiful (h/l) (h/c) hair mixing it's sweet fragrance with the air around you. "Lovely." He thought aloud.

"Right?" You turned to him with a big grin on your face, referring to the parade.

His face suddenly heated up as he successfully hid it from you by covering it and turning at the crowd before you. "Y-Yeah, the parade is indeed lovely."

You cocked your head to your side, confused on why he is stuttering and then brushed off the thought afterwards. You both left Capypaland after the parade finish. You thanked him for bringing you to such a wonderful place as he walked you home. "Thanks for everything, Kazuma, and about what you're asking earlier, sorry if I couldn't answer it."

"It's fine, (y/n). I'm sure you have a reason why you cannot tell it to me." He said giving you a soft smile. (I cannot think of anything else but make Kazuma smile at you sorry XD)

"Well then, thanks again and see you around!" You bid farewell to him and turned your back to him when he suddenly pulled you facing him again.

"W-Wait, (y/n). I still have something to tell you." His face is just a few inches away from yours, making you blush in embarrassment.

You closed your eyes as he moved his hand towards your cheeks, gently stroking your hair. "K-Kazuma, what are you-"








"There's a leaf on your hair." You opened your eyes and saw him holding a small leaf.

"O-Oh! Thanks for removing it. Well then, I should be going right now." You awkwardly retorted and then walked a few meters away from him before you turned around and waved your hand. "Be careful on your way home, Kazuma!"

"Y-Yeah! You too, (y/n)!" He did the same as he started to walk to the opposite direction. His face heated up at the thought of what he almost did earlier. 'Thank goodness there's a leaf on her hair. My body just moved on it's own and I almose kis-' He blushed even more before shrugging it off.

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