Chapter 8: Trust

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"What are we doing here?" Riku asked while following behind you.

You received a new job from an unknown sender, saying that an ayakashi was spotted in a certain school. Coincidently, it was also Iki Hiyori's school. You put your hands on your pocket and smiled cheekily. "Work."

The two of you entered the school building without any of the students noticing you. You waltz into the halls, passing by the classrooms while searching for the library.

"I'll check on the third floor." Riku told you as he pointed at the stairs.

You nodded in reply. "Message me if you found our client."

"Yeah." He agreed before he left.

You continued on searching the halls and when you were about to turn to a corner, you bumped into someone.

"Hey, watch where you're-" A familiar blonde haired boy fell to the floor after bumping to you. He glared at you and was then startled when he saw your face. "Y-you're! (y/n)..."

You lowered your head and leaned nearer to his, examining his face with a friendly smile. "Ah. You're that thick-headed brat of Yato, right? From your expression earlier, you seem really pissed. Did you got a fight with Yato again?"

"T-That's not it." He looked away while blushing.

"Hmmm? Really?" You stood straight. "But you should better act like a proper shinki now before the worst happens. You too would be in danger."

"Huh? What do you-" He asked in confusion.

"Well then, I'll be going now! Our client is probably waiting for us. See you later, Yukine-kun~" You left him alone as he watched you leaved.

He stood up and frowned. "Gods only care for their reputations after all."

'Trust must be possessed by both gods and shinkis. If one does not trust the other, the bond will broke. Just like in relationships, if only one will cooperate, nothing will work out. His efforts will only be wasted and get hurt.' You stared at your feet as you continued on walking. 'Just like how Yato is enduring Yukine's sins.'

At Riku's side...

Riku looked at the plates of the rooms that are hanging outside it's doors one by one, searching for the library. He finally found it and entered. "She should be here, right?"

The library has yellowish white walls and white tiles. The bookshelves are neatly arranged and tables for reading are empty. Seems like no one is around except for the girl with short brown hair on the librarian's desk.

Riku approached her. "Are you Mamoto Eri-san?"

The girl looked around searching for the person who spoke. She was startled to see Riku in front of her. "Y-Yes? Is there anything you'd like to borrow?" She said with a soft voice and smile.

"No, I'm not here to borrow anything." He said. "You're the one who spotted a 'monster' around here, right?"

"Ah!" She looked surprised at his question. "Are you (y/n)-san?"

"No, no, no!" He shook his head. "I'm a... friend of hers. Anyways, what did you see?"

"I was all alone by the gym yesterday and then it appeared. It's as if it's following me everywhere since that day. It has a large green body and scary circular yellow eyes." Her hands are shaking as she told Riku about it.

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