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Colt sighed sweetly as he gently placed the soft cloth around his sister. He tucked her away quietly, patting the hems of her blanket, as she snuck into dreamland.

Backing up slowly, he began to tip-toe as avoidance of any sudden sounds or movements that would awaken the other children. Once out of the surrounding area, Colt made his way back to Piper and his mother Pam. From a distance, even he saw a distinct gloomy aura holding its ground.

"Hey ... You both okay?", Colt said quietly as he joined the two older women. Taking a seat next to his mother, the older woman glided her hand to the back of her son and squeezed him lightly. The two embraced for a sweet minute, comforting one another in each other's presence. Piper could only watch, a pang of loneliness struck her gut as she watched the two embrace, it could only remind her of how afraid and alone she felt. Shifting in her seat uncomfortably, she waited as the family before her came apart. She smiled sweetly as she tried to cover her jealousy.

"Aw, Honey, it's okay to cry...", Piper's ears lit up and she slowly faced Colt. He had pushed away from Pam, now having his back face the two woman, he sniffled ever so slightly and looked towards the distance. Pam stayed quiet as she slowly approached her son, Colt sighed softly again before being the one to pull away. Piper stayed quiet and looked at the floor swiftly, soon she heard a familiar pitter-patter. Turning she viewed her sickly father, he slowly made his way to the group, wobbling on his cane, rushing over Piper helped her father make his way to a seat.

"Pa you shouldn't be walking around, or you're gonna' get hurt", Piper held his forearm gently before sitting next to him. Her father gave a weak smile before speaking.

"Darling, you don't gotta worry about your pa' I'll be fine if anything I'm worried more about ya' than anything else", he took his daughters' hands and squeezed them gently.

"But pa' you're sick and if ya' keep this nonsense good lord! Who knows what may happen."

"Piper don't give me that, I'll be just fine, please just worry about your own self."

The two settled down before trying to speak up, though before anything Colt came quietly and sat down in front of the pair.

"Hello Sir, how are you holding up this evening?"

Piper's dad grinned slightly before clearing his throat to speak.

"Heh... I'm holding up well boy! How are ya'?"

"That's good to hear sir! Also, I think I'm pretty alright too!"

Soon enough Colt and Piper's father were having a full conversation, they chuckled lightly and soon enough, wished each other goodnight.

After Colt had left, Piper's father continued to chuckle before turning to her and saying.

"Hey Piper, I think I have my final wish for ya'", Piper gave her father a confused look.

"What do you mean pa'?", Piper's gut was beginning to churn at the idea of this being her fathers 'final' wish.

"What I want for ya' before I pass is for you to get married"


Shelly and Brock were walking quietly side by side, the two were visibly tired and visibly sore. Brock cringed in agony as his soles were on fire, Shelly, on the other hand, wasn't in as much pain. Sure she did eventually step down and cringe however her pain was a bit more bearable. Eventually Shelly began to feel the familiar pain of fire running down her feet and legs. Trying to distract her mind she began to hum a tune.

Brock listened quietly, he smiled sweetly and became content. As he heard her hum slightly, he noticed the pain in his soles go away. As he continued to listen, he felt oddly regenerated, he hadn't known why but soon after he began to hum with her. Turning back to him Shelly smiled brightly and began to sing out loud.

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