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Feeling the itchy green strands brush against her arm, Shelly lowered herself farther into the green grass. She held her breathe as she felt vibrations beneath her. Feeling her anxiety grow a significant amount Shelly kept quiet and listened to her surroundings carefully, being able to hear her own heartbeat, Shelly slowly peeked out green bush and looked around. All was empty and quiet, no one seemed to be around, she turned to her left and was immediately blinded by bright line shinning across the brawler field.

Retreating to her original spot Shelly scoffed and played with the handle of her Shotgun, she waited for the sun to lower a tad bit more. Shelly began to sniff as she smelled a horrid stench, looking behind her she was caught by surprise when she saw a horrible green color smoke appear.

Picking her self up, Shelly got onto her legs and dashed for a nearby bush, she bumped into something hard and fell back. Covering her face in pain Shelly looked up to see a familiar red hair.
"Shelly? Are you okay?", Colt picked up the smaller female with his hand, his face covered with worry. Holding her now bloody nose Shelly looked up to Colt.

"Aye Dios mío, This is so embarrassing", Shelly covered her flustered face. Colt chuckled a bit before patting her back.

"Hey don't worry Buttercup, it happens sometimes."

Shelly blushes as she saw Colt smile warmly.

"Well Thankyou, But I guess since I bumped into you, you're probably going to kill me huh?", Shelly felt her sweat droplets roll down her face, with every passing moment that silence was in the air the more tense she'd gotten. She jumps slightly when she felt a hand pat her shoulder, looking up she was visited by a smirking Colt.

"Well buttercup, you did run into me, so maybe I should, buuuut... I have other plans", he ended his statement with a wink, leaving a bewildered Shelly he began to get up slowly and spoke once more.
"How about after this we have a date?"

"A D-Date?!", Shelly felt her face grow hot as she heard her best friend.

"Yeah a date! To make up for me not killing you! You should be grateful ya' know", Colt chuckled a bit at the end when he saw the flustered girls expression. Deciding it was time to move along he got to the ridge of the bush and prepared to leave.

"Wait! Colt we aren't done talkin-"

Before Shelly could finish her sentence Colt dashed out of the bush, he turned back and blew a kiss at her before running off into the battlefield.

Shelly groaned and covered her face as she felt the overwhelming heat take control of her body, she felt her legs turn to spaghetti as her heart began to beat fast. She hadn't known why this was affecting her so much, after all it was Colt he was probably playing with her,... right?

Questions paced in and out of Shelly's mind as she desperately tried to recollect them, no trying to recollect herself, she mentally cursed as she felt herself losing control once more.

"C'mon Shelly you're better than this, way way better, why now?", Shelly now closes her eyes and took deep breaths, slowly but surely she felt the heat on her face go away, once she felt like it was enough she collected herself and headed to move outside onto the battlefield.

Now pacing through the field, Shelly heard gunshots ricocheting, and zoom past her. Rolling on the ground she landed beneath a rock wall and began to shoot back, turning around the corner she was met with Brock who seemed just as startled as she was, she reloaded and shot him square in the chest, he poofed and turned into power cubs. Smiling Shelly absorbed them and turned over the corner once more and ducked as she saw one of Pipers bullets coming for her. Shelly waited for a moment until she heard the Shots subside, peeking over she hastily moved to another wall in front of her.

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