The intoxicating beginning

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As the morning sun rose from above the horizon golden streaks of color creeped up the walls of homes and into the tiny cracks within the windows.

Shelly shuffled on her bed slightly as she felt the warmth of the sun ray hitting her face, slowly she opened her eyes and yawned. Stretching she rolled off the edge of her bed and stood up, walking to the mirror she looked upon her sleepy image. She groaned as she saw her hair, she decided to take a morning shower to hopefully tame her crazed hair.

Once done with the crisp shower she walked out in her bathrobe and began to change, she looked within the mirror to see her droopy and wet hair, she brushed it thoroughly and customized it to her daily.Finishing off she put on her yellow headband to help pull her hair back, now for her outfit, she peered into her closet and looked at the few amount of clothes she owned, before deciding what to pick she peeked out side and a gust of warm air hit her face. Scrunching up her nose and walking inside she picked out a lighter outfit, similar to her everyday Polo, she picked out a loose-leaf polo, the exact same however instead of it being heavy-weighted it was lighter.

Struggling to put on her sweats, She decided to put on shorts instead, once again they were the same design.Going back to the mirror she looked at herself, she had forgotten about her bandage, she touched her face of where the bandaged laid upon, and felt the crease of her scar. She'd gotten it at a young age, and every time she looked upon it she remembered her time as a bandit. She shivered and closer her eyes, grabbing another bandage she placed it onto of the horrible scar. She then grabbed her yellow hanker-chief and put it on swiftly, once more she looked at herself within the mirror and smiled satisfied, she almost felt like colt.


She had walked to Barleys pub, opening the bar doors she was hit with the intoxicating smell of alcohol and rum, she cringed slightly and made her way to her usual spot with colt. Sitting on the far right side of the table she found Colt and Poco Talking together, she smiled and wave hi to them before sitting down next to her red haired friend.

"Hey Buttercup~ How are you this fine morning"asked Colt flirtatious, Shelly only rolled her eyes before playfully punching his arm.

"Heh well If being honest, I barely woke up mot so long ago, so I'm not so quite sure yet", Shelly turned towards Poco and Greeted him,

"How are you today Poco?"

Poco Only shrugged as he held his guitar close to his chest, "I guess we are in the same boat, it's a tad bit to early to know".

Colt scanned Shelly up and down, he noticed her change of attire, unknowingly he grabbed her shirt and examined the material.Shelly shifted in her place uncomfortably as she felt Colts hands along the side of her torso.

"Hey! Stop touching me there, it's weird",she looked towards him with a stern look, however too occupied with the fabric to even notice or hear the annoyed female, he was caught off guard when a nice 'SLAP' was heard throughout the pub.

Heads turned and pain spread across Colts face as he retreated, "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!? UGH?!", Colt than grabbed Shellys arm tightly and pulled her forward to him.

"WHAT THE HELL COLT!"Yelled Shelly furiously, as she pulled herself away and looked into Colts angered glare.


With that the two bickered back and forth, many of the other brawlers she shook their heads in disappointment or some brawlers laughed and giggled at the pair.

After a while on constant Yelling and Screeching(Colt more likely), Poco Got in between the too and spoke with annoyance in his voice,

"Okay you two need to CALM down" Poco said as calmly as his emotions allowed him.

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