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Taking her hand into his, Colt led his date out into the brisk night.

"Colt where are we going to go?", Looking back Colt smiled and cleared his throat.

"Right sorry for not telling you but I got some tickets for a movie, then after the movie I was hoping we could go get some dinner, and from there we can see what happens", He chuckled and pulled two tickets from his pocket. Shellys eyes widened in surprise once she read them,

"Isn't this to that new thriller movie??", Shellys voice seemed to have skyrocketed, nodding Colt laughed at her reaction.

"Ah so that movie did catch your attention!", Colt felt a big smile overcome his face, he couldn't help but feel happy that he did a good job.

"wait, how did you know I wanted to see this movie?", Shelly looked back up to Colts, for a moment all was silent until he decided to answer.

"Well, remember when we all went to the movies a month ago? When the movie trailer came on you were at the edge of your seat! I thought it was really cute how you were acting so I decided that when it came out we'd go see it together.", Colt felt a tiny heat rush across his cheeks as he finished his statement, looking back up, he caught hold of her face.

Shelly was burning, not only could she feel it but she knew Colt could see it, her heart thumped fast as he finished his statement, her common sense had seemingly turned off as questions sky-rocketed through her head.

'He paid attention to me? A Month ago? Has he been planning this? All just for ME??'. Feeling a bit dizzy Shelly stumbled a bit, almost falling over Colt seemingly grabbed her by the waist and hoisted her up.

"Woah be careful now Buttercup, you don't wanna ruin your attire now do we?". Shelly could only look at Colt and nod, she was in a daze and could hardly speak. Shelly slowed down and closed her eyes, taking deep breathes she calmed herself before catching up with her date.

"Colt, how long have you been planning this? You know our date.", Shelly felt odd, those words were foreign to her. For a moment she'd stop a thought about how her life wasn't so exciting. She never really experienced the world of romance, neither did she try to be involved with it.

"Well I've planned this for a while...if I'm being honest I was originally going to bring you and Poco but that was only because I felt like you wouldn't have wanted to go with just me. But I wanted to bring you, just you, a date I mean. I wanted a date with you, heh.. I'm sorry", to this Colt looked away in a flushed mess. Shelly could sense the tension is Colts voice as he stumbled over his own words. Smiling at the clumsiness she was glad to know she wasn't the only nervous one.

"Well I'm on a date with you now, so there's no need to be sorry. If I'm being honest this is my... uhm..", Shellys voice went tiny as she fumbled with her skirt, she was hit with a wave of anxiety.

"This is your what?", Colt was now fully facing Shelly, his eyes were full of spark, she'd caught his attention. Shelly couldn't bare to look at him, turning a complete 180, she sighed and spoke.

"This is my first date!", She covered her lower half of her face as she looked away in embarrassment.

'God why did I scream that?? He's probably going to tease me!', her thoughts suddenly stopped abruptly as she heard a small chuckle, looking back she saw that Colt had a huge smile.

"Shelly it's okay to be embarrassed, if that's the case than I guess I should tell you that this is my first date too!"

"It is?!", Shelly couldn't help but yell when he said that, she was bewildered! "But I thought you were like this womanizer who went on dates with everyone!". Shelly realizing what she said covered her mouth in shock and looked at her date wide-eyed.

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