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The shock was apparent as it painted everyone's face. Though it was first broken when Jessie burst into tears at the viewing of her home being destroyed. Her cries of distressed were followed by Franks, eventually, everyone was muttering, crying or whispering.

No one felt worse than Colt, rushing over to his little sister he picked her up and hugged her tightly.

"Jess, I'm so sorry. Please don't cry, everything will be alright", Colt held his weeping sister close to his chest, tears picked his eyes, soon enough he too began to sniffle. The two siblings were comforted by their mother, Pam made her way and embraced the two. All together they cried and mourned.

Soon enough rumbling was heard again, this time Piper had been the one to point out the destruction.

"Y'all look! There's more of dem' meteorites comin'", Panic filled the atmosphere as many rushed to get inside the cave.

"Watch it, everybody, yer' gonna get trampled if ya' keep pushin' around!", Dynamike yelled at the population as they ran into his mine. He ordered the children along with their parents to be near the middle while the rest were near the entrance.

Jessie and Pam made their way toward the fire Brock and Shelly had made, though as everyone came inside it got more and more cramped.  Shelly made her way to Colt and proposed her plan to collect more firewood.

"Wait, what? You're not going out there Shelly", Colt crossed his arms as he sternly looked at his younger friend.

"Why not? We are going to run out of firewood soon, besides we can even recruit some food along with some water from the well not far from here", Shelly was slightly annoyed he wasn't allowing her to do this. What did he take her for? Had she not proven her strength to him?

"Shelly you are NOT going out there, it's too dangerous even for you", Colt spoke in a stern tone. He caught some glances and stares from the rest of the town. Catching Shelly's glare he gulped heavily before he could speak up another voice interrupted.

"Hey if you want I can go with Shelly to go collect supplies"

The two looked to the side to see Brock, he smiled sweetly as he looked directly at Colt.

"What? That makes things worse!", Colt was growing angry. 'What the hell is wrong with these people??'

"Aw, come on bro, you know Shelly wants to help out, and I know you are worried about her. So I'll go with her to make sure she's safe and all." Brock held a very convincing tone as he confronted Colt. Feeling sweat droplets roll down his forehead, Colt could feel the brawlers eyeing the three.


"I'm going with Brock, sorry Colt but you're not stopping me"

Colt whipped his head to view Shelly, he could tell she was being serious as she upheld a stern look. 

Colt had to back down sighed in defeat, 

"Fine, Brock you may accompany Shelly to her stash, and Shelly you may go out. However, you need to be back before the sun rises. Understand."

Shelly rolled her eyes though gave a smile, 

"Thankyou Colt", giving him a tiny hug, her and Brock exchanged grins and began to pack up.

- - - - - - 

Shelly and Brock were outside of Dynamikes mines, and begin to walk east, Shelly held out her thumb to the sky, turned and proceeded to walk.

"What'cha doin' there girl?", Brock picked up his eyebrow and chuckled slightly as he viewed Shelly.

Catching herself Shelly laughed nervously and scratched the back of her head. She coughed gently and cleared her throat.

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