Chapter 1- Killer

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Author's note: Wow the response that I got from everyone was completely shocking. I'm so glad you guys like my idea. 

@whatsthefuninsanity threatened me hard body to continue. It scared me a little lol so shout out for your very scary presence in type lol. 

And thank you to the rest of you guys awesome comments. @The_Onyx_Wolf that reassured me fo her love for the story. Like wasn't an apt description for her lol. 

For those that I didn't personally thank well I'm trying now. THANK YOU!!!!! Anyway the show must go on.

Continue and thanks for the support that's why this sucker is out so quickly. So you know what to do if you want a quick upload. Motivate me with contructive critiscim or just your, hopefully, love for my concept. 

Chapter 1

She was crouched low, her inner wolf just below the skin wanting to break free. But years and years of training helped keep it at bay as she quietly twisted on the silencer to the barrel of the gun. Another laugh traveled towards her as the group of well dressed men's drunken footsteps lead to her crouched position next to smelly trashcans behind the sketchy chinese resturant in Center City Allentown, Pensylvania. 

She slowed her breaths, keeping them spaced and quiet even as her heart pounded loudly and rapidly in her chest. 

"Did you see the rack on that brunette?" One of the male voices said gruffly with only a slight slur.

"Her ass man her ass" His friend said in a disagreeing tone.

"And niether of you got her" Another said in a mocking, teasing voice.  "that was all Alpha Braylon's piece from get" 

"I could have had that if I wanted to" The first male said in a pouty tone. 

"Yea whatever Rob" one said with a laugh. She couldn't distinguish who anymore, their voices blending together as anticipation tightened her limbs. With one final steady breath she stepped out in front as thier footsteps echoed closer. 

All of them noticed her at once in one collective group, but the wind wasn't in their favor so the only thing they got was a girl with a gun, a non-threat to them. She certainly didn't look like a Were hunter, with her short silver sequince scrap of a dress that showed more skin than was decent and matching heels. Leering looks crossed thier drunken faces but she kept her face impassive, cold as ice. 

"Well damn who are you?" One of the males with dark brown hair slurred openly checking her out. She raised the gun and pointed it at him, cocking her head to the side so that her dyed brown hair fell behind her shoulder to reveal the ugly chewed up skin at her neck and shoulder. All eyes immediately moved to the mark, eyes wide with daunting realization. 

"That mark" A blonde whispers and she narrows her eyes at him before moving the barrel so it's pointing at him. 

"Hello boys" She finally greets her voice a breathy sweet tinkle sound at war with her confident stance and aim. "Now as you may have guessed this little beauty in my hand contains silver and trust me when I say that I am a perfect shot. So with that being said you're going to tell me what I want to know." The blonde girns at her words, not used to loosing she's sure. Stepping away from the group he looks at her angelic face unnaturally light blue eyes connecting with his, her full kissable lips in a scowl. 

"And if we don't?" He asks with amusement in his eyes. Without hesitation she pulls the trigger, the bullet connecting with the spot in the middle of his forehead. All the men took a step back, crouching low and growling, as their friends body slumped dead to the ground. 

"I'll kill you." She smiles. "Now boys don't do anything stupid because as you saw I have no hesitations on killing you." With a snarl a slim brunette male tried to rush her in surprise and she unleashed another bullet this one catching the male in the chest. "Anyone else?" She asked impassively.

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