Chapter Two: Lost in the echo

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I slowly lifted my heavy eyelids and as the strong smell of anti-bacterial cleaner filled my nose. My mouth was dry and I smacked my lips a few times. I was lying down, in a bed it seemed, and the room was bright. Light from the small window reflected off the white walls, making me want to close my eyes again. I felt like I had slept for years, but I was still tired. I heard the beeping of a machine and slowly turned my head towards the source of the noise. The muscles in my neck were stiff and sore.

Doctor Cullen came and checked on me now and then but he knew and I could see it in his eyes that he knew I was different. Loneliness is the feelings that I am sick, and dying and I don't know if I believe in God or not, or if it even matters. But everything is out of my control, even whether or not I will live or die. And I am all alone.

There will be no one to come and save me, or fix me or make it all better. The end is coming, I don't know when, but I see it off in the future, lurking, and I am all alone, and no one can feel what I feel. I am afraid of being alone, and of experiencing sickness and death alone. But even if I am surrounded by loved ones, they are not really with me. Mentally I am somewhere else. I am emotionally and spiritually somewhere else; and it feels empty, angry, and boring and hopeless.

And I feel like crying out to God, begging him to hear my prayers. But all I hear are my own lonely, wailing sobs. Alone, I am sitting in this cold hospital clutching my own body for comfort, from god, somebody, and anybody maybe a loved one hugs me but it doesn't help.

I look into their eyes for comfort, but nothing comes and in the end, I am still left alone with my deep fears, my anger and my thoughts…

I looked out of the window and spotted a flock of birds they were all free and here was me sitting in a hospital room wishing I was free, as free as a bird. The morning dwindled away into the afternoon and that was when Doctor Cullen had brought in someone to see me.

A woman came in front of me. She had dark hair, a shade in which could only be described as the dark night sky; blue eyes as bright as the blue ocean and wore similar clothes to the man I had seen the previous evening I shook my head trying to forget that night but then it happened again.

A flash of light caught both of us off guard and the man that murdered the woman the previous night and the thoughts running through my head were worrying. How the hell did he find me and who are they?

I had to shove all fears aside for one moment and I got up; the tingling sensation burned through my arms and yet again I knew my wings had emerged but this time felt different. the woman got her gun out and I chose to bolt fighting not being my stong suit.

I remember falling at first then flying hitting the ground then a bin in my surprise and I saw the woman again and she took my body into a van little did i know i was going somewhere safe...

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