13 - Cure

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Close as strangers by 5sos

The Start Of Time Gabrielle Aplin

»sadly i'm going through a phase where i think everything i write sucks so i want to apologise to you guys and to myself even, because i wished i could be happy with these chapters because i want it for this fic but they have been so short and i've been taking so long to write it's awful
hope you are all okay!


"Harry, please, wait." Louis says breathless, he stops running, takes his hands to his knees and brings his head down, trying to catch up with his breathe. He wishes it could be raining by now so the whole snow would go away and it'd be easier to run... or just so they could stop because Louis is tired. He is sweating. Sweating. Louis isn't a person who sweats, he hates it - it's a new thing you see.

They've been doing this for what? Half an hour? More? And Harry doesn't stop, even now he is running in the same place looking at Louis with the biggest mocking smile ever. They haven't talked even, because, no Louis, you get tired easily so shut up, which he said it in such a familiar tone of voice that Louis couldn't do anything but obey.

Louis doesn't even know where he is. Close to a garden that looks more like a forest if it wasn't for the street and small stores at the side. It's Sunday morning, London looks like a desert and Louis is running like a mad man, freezing his ass.

He is wearing shorts and is winter. Who the fuck does that? No one. Just really Harry who isn't wearing his jacket, so now is Louis giving it good use since they got out from the flat, because Harry said I'm going to take it anyway so better if it's now.

"Do you have any water? Let's just take a break shall we?" He tries to smile but is more like a grimace, so it doesn't convince Harry.

"You're so weak. I knew it. But we can't stop." He chuckles and Louis groans, his throat tastes like blood and it hurts. He is weak and Harry has no pity. He is good at this, he is athletic, Louis couldn't be more impressed but yeah, Harry impressed him already now he can stop. Now they can come back, have another breakfast and sleep more. Louis is sleepy.

"No please, have mercy." Louis whines and please Harry, stop for a minute you're bothering me with your little jumps. He thinks and really why can't he say it? "Please Harry, stop for a minute you're bothering me with your little jumps." Harry laughs again.

"Come on, Louis." He shakes his head and starts running again, his hair already pulled back with a headband, which Louis is very fond of but right now just pisses him off. Harry breathing is pissing him off.

"You are leaving an old man here to death? Is that it?" He starts running slowly and really, he looks like he is dying, he runs like a girl in gym class. "Yeah, run from your responsibilities, if I wasn't dying I'd be applauding." He hears Harry laughing loudly forward, making him smile a bit. Just a tiny big bit.

Harry turns around, starting to run backwards, his arms going on the same rhythm back and forth next to his body. "You said you were in shape. What happened?" He shouts so Louis is able to hear him. The few people on the street don't really pay much attention to them since they must be in a hurry.

"You deserve to fall right now. I bewitch you." Louis shouts back weakly.

"Not happening." He laughs. "Come on Louis, a race. If you win we stop for a bit, yeah?" He smiles and no, Louis is too weak, his legs hurt too much for a run now - Harry looks like when they started running, he wants his secret - but that smile. That smile wins everything.

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