Chapter 19: Discovery

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Y/n is your name
Y/n/n is your nickname
Y/e/c is your eye color
Y/d/n is your dads name
Y/m/n is your mothers name
Y/b/n is your best friends name
«» is your thoughts
So, so, so sorry for not updating!! Schools been really rough on me but hopefully I should be posting more often!! I hope you enjoy this one!! 💚
"My powers?" A million things crosses my mind in that moment. "What else can I have? Why has no one told me this? What do I have?!"
My father puts a look of uncertainty on his face, "Follow me." We walk out of the dining room and walk down two long hallways. We finally reach a hidden staircase. We go all the way to the top and reach a door. He unlocks the secret door, "After you." He smiles I walk in and it's a huge library. I look around and a huge hanging portrait catches my eye.
"You were barely a few years there. Perhaps 3." I jump at the voice of my father. "Sorry. Just thinking.' , I pause, 'How did you draw that?" I look back at the portrait. Sauto and my mother sat lovingly side by side while holding on to me, sitting in between their laps. "Your mother and I had a fun little photo shoot that day, and we got creative. I had someone paint us as if we were holding on to you. Y/m/n barely found out she was expecting you. When you turned 3, she sent me a picture of you at your third birthday party." Sniffles cut off his voice.
I look back at him and tears gently flow down his face. I rush over to him and give him a gigantic hug, "Aww father, don't cry!"
His chest heaves you and down as he chuckles. "There's something I have for you! Sit please." He guides me to one of the comfy sofas and goes off to a desk and opens a bulky black book. "You know what a prophecy is y/n/n?" I nod as he brings over the book. "Since the dawn of time, this prophecy has been dictated and hidden for many eras. It was said that a great evil will fall upon the Nine Realms and the Land of the Known. We used to be allies until the regular frost giants fiddled with the Asgardian king, so since then Blainren officially became the Land of the Unknown. We became outcasts of society."
A dark gloom shadow his face and I sit in front of him taking ahold of his hands. "One day, an entity, a white glow, appeared when Augustus became the first king of the Land of Unknown."
"Sorry to interrupt father, but how did you become king?" I shyly ask him. His y/e/c eyes shimmer with amusement. "Here snowflake, they do it based on the fiercest, honest, loyal and warrior with great leadership. It can also help if you're of royal blood. You could be queen, y/n/n. You have all the qualities, my child." He smiles. He senses my hesitation, "Just promise to think about it." I nod.
"As I was saying princess, the entity claimed that a powerful being will be born who will restore balance in a world full of fear and evil. It will be born through an affair and will face a horned devil which I'm assuming is Hela. Species of all worlds will cease to exist. But it is up to that being on whether peace or destruction will be restored." He sighs. A few moments pass and I clear my throat. "I'm an affair baby." I say in attempt to lighten the mood. He stiffens and I shrink in my seat when he abruptly gets up and spins me in the air. "Y/n, you are the best child anyone could've had. What you had with y/d/n is something I won't ever forgive. No one will harm my little girl. You hear me?" "Yes sir."
He goes out the book back on the desk. "What powers are you aware of?" "Oh, um, I." I take a deep breath. "I can freeze people, usually happens when my emotions get out of control." "We will get that under control, no worries. What else?" "I can teleport, I have super hearing and senses. I can fight. I'm actually part of the Valkyries, second in command." I smile. A nostalgic smile flows on his face. "Just like your mother. Y/m/n would be proud." He approaches me and sits across from me, "there are a few more powers you might not know about. Though keep in mind your ice powers make you very powerful. People from all over know about you. The protect goes around and so does mythology." My ears perk up. «Way to make an introvert feel better.»
"You can manipulate your ice powers, create force fields, the ice matice that I shows you when you first arrived. Did you know that?" I blink, stunned. "No, I didn't." "There's also something else I must tell you." "What else could there be?" "You also have wings. That's what makes us different from the Frost Giants of Jotnehiem." I immediately turn around in circle like a dog chasing their own tail. My father just chuckles. "They come out when it's time for battle. I just wanted you to be aware of what you have and what you're capable of." "Oh."
Time Jump
We both go outside and take a quick walk around the palace. "I wish you can stay longer, my child."
"I'll be back, I promise. I'll come back with company. There's someone I actually want you to meet." I shyly smile to myself. Sauto scoffs next to me, "Who would've known you'd end up with a frost giant." I stop short in my tracks. "You know about Loki?" "And Thor too. Y/b/n tells me everything." We begin walking quietly to the ship. "What do you think about him?" "He sounds like a nice guy. From what I heard, he truly cares about you. That's the most important thing I look for in a son in law."
"Dad!! We're not getting married!!" I blush.
"Not yet, but the time will come. We can even have a ceremony here, if you'd like."
We finally reach the ship. Tony and Steve are deeply staring into each other's eyes. Natasha and Bucky are playing jacks with knives at the corner of the ship, and Wanda is practicing her photography.
"I might have to take you up on your offer." I hug my father one last time. "I have something for Loki that I want you to pass along." I stare at him in awe as he reaches into his pocket. He hands a small box over to me and closes my hand. "Let him open it. Send him my regards." "I will. I love you, father." "Not much more than I do, sweetheart. I shall have the army your way in a few days." He assures. I gave him a quick hug and join the rest of the Avengers.
"You ready to go, doll?" Bucky smiles. I mirror his expression, "Most definitely! I miss Loki." I playfully pout. As we take off, Tony opens his window. "Nice seeing you your majesty!" He waves." I can see my father chuckling from the ground. Wind messes up my hair. "Tony!!" Natasha yells. He just snickers as we reach space.
Here's what your wings would look like, but as a frost giant so picture a blue girl with wings.

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