Chapter Ten: The Plan

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Y/n is your name
"Destroy Asgard?"
"Why yes, take that look off your face girl."
"Odin locked me away for years. Ragnarok happened. I want revenge on my brothers. Revenge on Asgard."
"Don't you think you're taking this a little to far?"
"Y/n, y/n, you of all people should understand. I know how you've suffered. Take all that anger out."
I remain quiet thinking.
"What are you thinking?"
"Why did you choose specifically me to help you take down Asgard?"
"Your mother is dead. Your father killed her and is dead. You grew up alone, traumatized. Never had the man of your dreams. You have valuable powers. Not to mention when you came to Earth and almost got harassed. Shall I continue?"
Tears threaten to come out of my eyes as I see her eyes shine with pity but her smirk saying otherwise.
"No." I whimper.
"Good girl. You seem calm enough."
Hela walks around you to let you go from the pole.
"You seem smart enough to not make an escape."
I just stare at her.
"Do you want to know the plan y/n?"
I nod.
"Use your words." Her tone harsh.
"Yes, Hela."
"Good. There's probably a big speculation going on. They're all searching for you. You'll go back to them as if nothing happened. They'll be pretty attentive of you, no doubt. We'll play it low. I've done some investigating, and it seems S.H.I.E.L.D. has some technology I can use.
"A mask. One just like the widow girl used."
"You know her?"
"No, but you surely heard Thor talking about some hack in the system recently right?
"That was me."
My head felt like it was about to explode.
"You'll steak it and meet me in the Midgardian room that big oaf of a king has. You'll give it to me and I'll stay in Asgard disguised as an Asgardian. You'll train me in the Valkyries. In a few weeks after that, Thanos will come looking for the Tesseract."
"Yes, girl, keep up. I left a fake one in the vault. I'll give you the real one to give to Loki. Loki will give it to him to protect you. Thanos will slaughter all of Asgard, then leave. I will take on Thor and you will take on Loki. After, you'll go live with me."
I stay there with my mouth open.
"Betray Asgard? Betray Loki? Thor?"
"Yes, that's what I just said."
"As much as I've suffered, I can't do that to my people. To Loki who I just got or Thor."
Hela walks to me and puts her hand on my jaw and jerks it up.
"You either do it or I'll kill you myself right now just like I'll do with Loki and Thor."

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