Getting The Gang Back Together.

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"Okay, here we go

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"Okay, here we go. Time travel test number 1. Scott, fire up the van thing." Dr. Banner instructed, massive and green, a combo of himself and the Hulk as he stood behind the makeshift control panel. 

The rusted 1972 Ford Ecoline getting powered up, the Inter-dimensional gateway being initiated as the whirling, prismatic tunnel opened up like a black hole in Space. Up and ready to suck Scott back into the Quantum Realm and hopefully into the past. And, of course, safely return back as well. 

Within the facilities hangar, used for storing aircraft's, vehicles, oxygen tanks and important arsenal, the heroes collected themselves, ready to undertake this fragmentary experiment. Scott's very life on the line, the operating console sub-par at best. 

"Breakers are set. Emergency generators are on standby." The Captain informed, ambling his way around the extensive floor area, the warehouse's skeleton all windows and titanium framework. 

"Good, because if we blow the grid I don't want to lose Tiny here in the 1940's." The big green guy mentioned under his breath. 

"The 40's aren't so bad. You'd love it, Scott. Just watch out for polio and influenza. And, of course, Nazi's." I quipped, taunting Ant-Man, the innocent guinea pig in this risky test run. 

"Guys, you can't say things like that." Black Widow interposed, picking up on how skittish Scott seemed. 

But, his nerves were justified obviously. Outside of movies and TV shows no one had attempted to do this. To travel through time. And, I had my doubts on the plausibility of this working. 

"Ha, we're just joking. Just some little banter to get you relaxed, buddy. All is good. You got this!" Bruce pacified the on edge Little Guy, giving him a two thumbs up. 

"So, I'm gonna send you back a week. Walk around for a little bit and in 10 seconds I'll bring you back." the Scientist clarified and Scott nodded accordingly, suited up in his flawed, first attempt time travel uniform. 

"Okay, I got this. I got this." Scott chanted, prepping himself as his helmet encompassed protectively around his head. 

Unbuttoning my blazer I just took a seat down onto a nearby cargo crate, knowing with certainty that this wasn't going to pan out like how the heroes in the room expected and hoped it would. 

"Think this will work?" I heard my blonde friend bring up in a quiet tone, making his way over to where I sat. 


"Are you sure?" 

"How about we just chalk it up to a woman's intuition." I stated, reciting a phrase I had used many years back. 

My words causing an instant frown to crease across the Captain's brow, him having learned from past experiences that he should trust in my warnings. 

And, just like that Steve went to pull the plug on this whole sketchy trial but before he could voice his concern it was too late. 

Scott had already been sucked into the Quantum vortex. 

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