Chapter 7: Combat Practice

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Luna and I were alone in the training room. I practiced forming tree branches into weapons. I could quickly make them in under five seconds now. I had also worked with using these weapons.

About a hour later, Shido came by with Tohka and Yoshino. Was this the help he was bringing?

"Alright Alice, how would you like real combat practice?" Shido asked with a grin.

"Sure, these dummies aren't much of a fight." I said. He nodded then Tohka stepped forward. She wore a white tank-top, and blue shorts. But there were glowing spikes around her waist. She wore purple plated gloves and some kind of purple hair clips. She held a huge sword in her right hand.

"Where did that sword come from?!" I asked, shocked by its size.

"This is my angel." She grinned. The branch I held in my hand formed into a sword.

"Wait Alice! You aren't quite prepared for battle yet!" Luna said quickly. I turned toward her.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"You need your Astral Dress." Luna purred.

"How do I get it?" I asked.

"Just think about battle armor." She replied. I thought for a second. My body was covered in light. I felt silk replace my jacket and shirt. I felt vines wrap around my arms and waist. A vine made its way to the left side of my head and turned into a flower like pin. The vines around my arms began to glow light green.

"Wow! This is amazing!" I said, shocked by my new appearance. I wore a green and gold dress with the glowing vines.

"You really are the spirit of nature." Shido said with a warm smile. I blushed slightly.

"Uh...yea! And now I'm ready!" I said quickly. Hopefully he didn't notice my blush. The sword I held in my hand began to glow green.

"Alright, here I come!" Tohka yelled. She ran toward me, swinging her sword over her head. I blocked and pushed her back.

"This is the fight I wanted." I grinned. As Tohka regained her balance, I quickly changed my sword into a bow. I shot an arrow of green light at her. She blocked it with her angel.

"Sorry but those arrows won't work in me!" Tohka grinned. I avoided another swing and turned my bow into a sword once again.

"Fine, I'll just have to use my sword. Or maybe I'll use my angel. Luna, Lunar Shift!" I yelled. Luna jumped over my head, turning into her tiger form.

"Wow...a big black cat. what can she do." she teased. I growled.

"Fine, you want to see what she can do. Lunar Eclipse!" I yelled. Spikes grew from Luna's body. She roared and her eyes began to glow green. Vines shot out of the ground around Tohka. She jumped up, slashing at the vines that followed her. She landed in a nearby tree. Using my own powers, I had the branches wrap around her.

"Hey?! Let me go!" Tohka yelled. I just grinned at her. "Its not a fair fight anymore! You win!"

I let her go. She jumped down to the ground and walked over to me.

"You are a great fighter." She said. Luna walked over toward us.

"Oh...almost forgot. New Lunar." I told Luna and she shrank back down to her small cat form.

"Your angel is pretty cool." Tohka grinned.

"Yea your angel is very unique." Shido said.

"Thanks guys, this practice was perfect." I thanked them all. With combat experience, I now think I may stand a chance against Kurumi. We all go home together.

Maya POV.

I look out the window every now and then and I see groups of men in black showing flyers to people.They must be the ones looking for Alice. I really feel sorry for her. Six months of injections and now she is being hunted down for more.

I pulled my scarf up over my nose. it was somewhat colder now. I relax as the moon rises and the sun sets. Should I search for Alice and try to help or just watch. I did bring this fate upon her.

"Oh...what to do?" I sigh.

"Just sit and watch." a voice said. I sat up and looked around the dark room. A yellow glowing eye stared at me from the shadows.

"Who are you!" I growled. The figure walked into the moonlight. Her red and black dress waved slightly as she walked.

"Just another random person." She chuckles. I shake my head.

"No...not another random person. You must be the spirit of time, Kurumi Tokisaki, right?" I said. She chuckled some more.

"You are correct. And you should just watch the fate you forced that girl to take. Watch and realize the mistake you made." She said then slid back into the shadows. I shivered slightly. She was a really creepy spirit. I relax against the wall again. Sleep coming over.

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