Chapter 10:Home Plans

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Alice POV.

I was being rescued. I saw Ricki, Shido, Tohka and Maya. Shido and Ricki were helping me walk. My throat and limbs burned from pain. it was hard for me to focus on anything. I could barley hear anything. I felt as though this whole time I have been dreaming. And soon I would be forced to wake and feel the pain of those needles once again. I was actually moving in and out of conscious while we were escaping.

My uncle's voice made me flinch when he stopped us. I lifted my head up slightly and glared at him. Just looking at him makes my blood boil. I want him erased from my life.

Tohka gave him and a few men around him an energy shot and we made our way outside. But again we were surrounded. I was getting frustrated. I just wanted this to be over. As I saw men getting frozen, I lost conscious.

I woke up to a fluoresce lights above me. I thought I was still at my uncle's lab. I shot up into a sitting position. I looked around the familiar metal room. If I'm not mistaken, its the room I first saw when I was on the Fraxinus. I see that Ricki is asleep on a chair beside the bed. She looked so peaceful. I slowly laid back down as pain shot up my arms and legs. I looked at my bandaged arms.

The door opened and in walked a woman who I guess was the nurse?

"Oh you're awake. I figured you would have been out a little longer. I am Reine Murasame and I will be taking care of you while you recover." the nurse said on a monotone voice. I just stared at her as she brought over fresh bandages.

"So you still can't talk?" she asked. I nodded slowly. "It should come back soon, so just wait until then." She started to unwrap the bandage on my left arm. I stared at my arm and saw all the fresh holes that my uncle had caused. She wrapped my arm in a fresh elastic wrap. She repeated the process with my other limbs.

"I'll leave you to rest now." Reine said as she left. I just laid there. I didn't feel like sleeping anymore. I looked back over at Ricki. She had began to stir. She slowly opened her eyes.

"Alice, you're awake!" she said as she stood. She moved the chair over to the bedside. "I'm so glad your awake. How do you feel?"

I looked down at the blanket. I wish I could tell her that I'm fine, with slight pain, but all that screaming took its toll. I let out a silent sigh.

"Don't strain yourself answering. I understand that your voice is not quite working yet." she said as she laid her hand on mine. I gave her a small smile.

Maya POV.

I stood in a hallway with a window overlooking the city. Should I accept the invitation or go back on the streets? I sighed as I watched the sun setting in the distance. By now I would be huddled somewhere trying to keep warm. Maybe I should accept. I fear that Kurumi may try to come for me. I'm surprised she didn't try to kill me when we first met? I sighed again.

"Is everything alright Maya?" I heard Danielle's voice behind me. I turned to look at her.

"Yea, just thinking. I don't know what I should do. Go back to the streets or live with Alice and the other spirits." I told her.

"If I was you, I'd choose to live with Alice and the others." she walked over to me and placed her hand on my shoulder. "Its better than staying on the streets. Trust me." She said with a hint of sorrow.

"Ok...I'll stay with them." I told her. She smiled.

"Let's go see Alice." She said as she led me to the infirmary.

Alice POV.

I sat there with Ricki. Soon, Shido and Tohka came in. Reine must have told them I was awake. Shido had brought a pen and tablet for me.

"How are you feeling Alice?" Shido asked. I wrote down my reply.

-I feel fine, but just slight pain in my limbs.- I showed him the tablet.

"Well that's good. Just some pain killers and you'll feel good." He said. I nodded. I looked around the room again. Where is Luna?

-Where's Luna?- I wrote then showed it to Shido. He looked around.

"I thought she was in here? Anyone seen Luna?" Shido asked. Everyone shook their heads. Ricki stood and looked under the bed.

"Found her." she said as she pulled Luna out from underneath the bed. Luna jumped from her arms and landed on the bed.

"Alice! I'm so glad your safe!" She purred. She rubbed against my chest. I rubbed her ears.

Reine walked in a few minutes later. She pulled Shido outside to tell him something. I wonder what it is? They came back in after a few minutes passed. Shido looked over at me with a worried look.

-Is there anything wrong?- I wrote and showed him. he shook his head.

"No...everything is fine." he said with a forced smile. I left it at that. If its something that has to do with me, he wouldn't say it.

Soon after things settled down, Maya and Aunt Danielle came in. Its starting to get crowded in here. Kotori came in after them too.

"So she is a wake so soon. You're a tough one." Kotori grinned. I nodded once. Things were quiet once again. Its now kind of awkward now since no one is talking.

"Um....Kotori....I have made my decision." Maya said out of the blue. What decision?

" what's your answer them?" she grinned.

"I'll stay with you...I don't want to go back out on the street." Maya replied.

"Alright then. We'll set up your room immediately." Kotori finished as she left the room.

Since no one really ha much to say, they started to leave. Soon it was just me, Ricki, Shido, Tohka and Reine.

" will be able to go back home, but you should stay in bed the next few days." Reine said. I nodded and wrote thanks on the tablet. She left the room and soon after, I was being moved to my room in the mansion.

Maya moved into the room beside mine. Ricki and aunt Danielle across my room. Aunt Danielle was searching for work, but Ratatoskr offered her a job as a doctor on the Fraxinus. So now everything is alright for now, but it won't last. Not with Kurumi still out there. But for now, I just need to rest. Why fight when you are tired?

A/N: I put up a pic of Maya. I may put one up of Alice in a later chapter when I can. Anyway, plz comment and vote. Tell me what you think.

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