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[ Taeyong POV ]

I felt a thump on the door. Someone was knocking on it. Although I can't hear the sound of it, I can always feel it.

Taeil hyung, he's probably here to pick me up for class. I try to get up from my bed and open the door but my body doesn't allow me.

I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket so I take it out and see that it's a text from hyung.

Taeil hyung
Taeyong-ah, open the door
please. We're gonna be
late for class.

I sighed and replied to him.

I can't hyung.
I'm in so much pain.
I don't want to go to class.

Taeil hyung
You're not taking your meds,
are you? Are even even eating
properly anymore? Taeyong, I'm
worried for you.

my meds don't work.
I still feel pathetic
and a waste of a
human being.

Taeil hyung
Just open the door
Taeyong, let me help you.


I painfully got up from my bed, still in my pyjamas and slowly walked towards the door and opened it. Taeil hyung was standing outside all dressed, with a bag of food in his hand.

' Why aren't you dressed yet? ' he asked me in sign language.

Taeil actually learnt to speak in sign language just to communicate with me. And wherever he spoke to me in sign language, I would always reply to him verbally. He's the only one I talk verbally to and he always communicates with me in sign language.

" I didn't feel like it " I said.

' Well, wear something quick, we're gonna run late ' he replied.

" Tsk, fine " I said and put on a hoodie and a pair of jeans.

' Good. Now let's get to class before they realize we're late ' he gestured quickly.

" They won't even realize I'm missing. I'm invisible hyung, no one notices me. I'm just a pathetic piece of shit "

' Taeyong, stop thinking that way. You're not pathetic. Now stop with all the negative thoughts and let's get going. You can eat breakfast in the car '

" You're sick of me, aren't you? You're tired of taking care of me that's why you're hiring a caretaker for me, isn't it? " I asked him.

' Taeyong I'm just doing what's good for you. I promise you'll love the new caretaker, he's really friendly '

" Oh my God, it's a 'he'? "

' Yes, and he'll be starting from today evening, after class '

" He won't last hyung, you know it. No one can stand me "

' But I'm betting he'll stay forever '


[ Jaehyun POV ]

Today will be a challenge as my client that I'll be taking care from now is deaf. I've actually learned sign language just for him but I'll also communicate with him through text.

His friend Taeil have me his number so I guess I'll be just fine.

" Jaehyun-ah, wanna watch a movie today? I'm bored " my roommate Doyoung asked me, lying lazily on our couch.

" Sorry man, I've got another patient. I won't be home early. Maybe some other day " I said.

" Who's your patient this time? " he asked me.

" I really didn't catch his name, his friend, Moon Taeil, hired me to take care of him "

" Moon Taeil? My ex Moon Taeil? " Doyoung asked me surprised.

" The guy you dated for two days? " I said sarcastically.

" Two years dumbass " he replied.

" Whatever " I said.

" If it's Taeil's friend then I know who you're taking care of  " he said.

" Who? " I asked.

" His name is Lee Taeyong "



New book guys!
So hyped for this!

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