Your Prince..<33

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Beyonce P.O.V

Its been about a whole year since the album came out and it went great . The album is still a huge success after a year which is amazing. Destiny Child have been working our asses off to for the past couple months and to be honest I am beyond exited at this moment , Shit we all are at this moment . preforming,interviews,dancing,rehearing,studio time,traveling and everything else can take a lot out of a person to be honest.

On the bright side my birthday is next week which is exiing . Even though I have to work the day before and the day after it still exiteing . I don't know what i am going to do since everyone seems to be busy that day . Kelly is going to hang out with her mom that day and Michelle is going home for a day just to see her mom since she is home sick. They my mom and dad are going on a date for some reason . Angie,Ty and Solo are in trouble for going and getting drunk to a point where they couldn't stand the next day , My mom wasn't having that and neither was my father so they cant go out for a while . Then Jay still has a couple cities to go on tour so he cant make it but he said he will make it up to me . I might just get my hair and stuff done and shop for my birthday or sleep some of these under eye circle. I mrsn I have 3 days to figure it out but right now I need to get dressed so I can go to sound check.

I piut on some sweatpants,sports bra and a sweat jacket since a little cold out there . I didn't put makep on or anything since no one as really going to be there.


We just finished sound check and it was terrible . The sound packs weren't working which is alright since we can sing in tone with each other but the mics were going in and out . That's not god because then the fans are going to think that its us not singing fully which is wrong . Then the light people don't know what the hell there doing and some of the band people are out sick and cant get a flight out here. Kelly is sick and Michelle voice is husky so I will have to make up for there losed of vocals which makes it worse . I am just stressed out to the max right now when I am suppose to be happy not stressed out about this shit. You know what if I have to get on stage and straight accapella that shit then so be it but these fans are getting the preformace they payed for . Kill me or not I am not letting anyone walk out of here thinking they waisted there money .

"DAD!"I yelled trying to get his attention

"What Beyonce I'm trying to fix these problems."

"Fuck all those problems just make sure we got mics that work and a spot light to stay on us and Destiny Child will work the hell out the stage..Got it?"I said conforming everything

"But you guys are not vocally strong Bey..."

"Matthew do as I say and don't worry about it ...Father or not your my manger and you do as I say."I said making it clear

"You better deliver .."

"We always do .."I said smiling and walking away

I went back into our dressing room and told Kelly and Michelle what was up . They were okay with it since they didn't have to do too much . I put my cloths on and got my makeup done then I did my vocal warm-ups . We prayed for a great show like we do before every show and off to stage we went .


The show ended up being a huge success and it went pretty well , None of our voices cracked or anything back, we remembered all the dance moves and lyrics. It was just perfect and those mics worked and so did the lights which was perfect .. I mean it wasn't the best show but it was the best I could do and I could tell that the fans enjoyed it and as long as they enjoyed it I am perfect.

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