Please STOP ! </3

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Jay P.O.V

When Beyonce said something about being with Lyndall I knew something wasn't right and when I heard yelling that was it. I went to the first maid I seen and got the key and I burst threw the door not giving a fuck . When I opened the door I seen the most disturbing thing EVER! I looked into Beyonce eyes and I seen the hurt and the pain in her eyes . The normal Twinkle wasn't there anymore .

"What the fuck is going on ?" i yelled

"Bro can me and my girl get the privacy ?" he asked

"NO WHAT YOU CAN GO IS GET YOU ASS OUT OF THIS ROOM!" I said angry while getting closer to him

"So a nigga cant fuck is girl in your hotel?" he asked

"NO now get the fuck out before i personally make you leave." i said so seriously

" I ain't going no where." he said

"Leaves me no choice." I said

I went and punched the shit out of him making him fall to the floor .

"Beyonce go to my hotel room I will be right there." I said handing her the key

"The bitch ain't going no where." Lyndall said starting to get up

I punched that nigga in his face one more time just because .Then Beyonce got her robe off the floor and ran out the room . I am about to handle this nigga and I don't need her in here when I do because its not going to be a pretty site .

"So you think its okay to just rape my friend like that ?" i said

"I did rape her ! " he said

"Lies!" i yelled

I punched him in his stomach this time making him grunt in pain but I didn't care he hurt Beyonce and that's not going to end well with me .

"Why do you even care what I did to her ?" he asked

"She my friend and I fuck niggas up for my friends." i said

" I thought it was bros before hoes? Why you fight for hoes? Out of all the bitches you can have you fight for this one?" he said


"Nigga you not going to fuck me up . I will murder you and that bitc-" he said

"Thats it ! " i yelled

I tackled that nigga and just started punching the shit out of him . He tried to hit back but he didnt have enough strength to do it . I put that nigga in a head lock and body slammed him into the grounded . Then i took him by his shit and just punched him in his face and i know he was bleeding because i felt it on my knuckles but i didn't care . I kept fight him and then i put him against the wall chocking him . I heard him cough for air but I didn't care all i kept thinking was him hurting beyonce . He started to get blue in the face and I still didn't give a fuck .

"Let go Jay please he not worth the kill." bey said

I didn't listen this nigga didn't deserve to live on this planet anymore. He deserve to die right here now and i don't mind being the person to kill him .

"Please Jay if you kill him and you go to jail who am I suppose to be a girl with ? Who is going to be my boy please Jay . I cant do this without your late night talks in the hall way and your good morning texts and just your hood accent . Please let it go." bey said crying

I let go of him not because I wanted to but because Beyonce wanted me to . I could leave her with everything that is going on in her life.

"Thank you Jay." she said giving me a hug

Sure enough the police and the ambalance came in and got Lyndall and ask Beyonce and I some questions . Beyonce was very overwhelmed and sad but I am happy I was there to help her . They ran some test and did this thing to make sure she did get raped and make sure she ddint catch anything. Everything went okay he did rape her but he didn't get all the way in or something so there was no possible way for her to get anything but they still tested her and everything came back negative. In the doctors words she is still some what a virgin which she was some what happy about and I was happy i came at the right time . i do wish i came before he did anything but i tried . Lyndall did end up getting 2 black eyes , busted lip , broken nose , 1 broken arm and leg and cuts everywhere he had to get like 50 stitches or something . I dont think that's anything compared to the pain he put Beyonce thew these past 6 years but it was enough for right now . I took Beyonce back to the hotel and then I decide a hotel isn't the best for her with everything that happened and paparazzi she wants to keep everything a secret until she goes to Texas tomorrow to see her parent so i invited her to my house .

Beyonce P.O.V

I cant believe everything that happened to me this weekend . This birthday has been the absolute best and worse . On on hand I have a new best friend but when again i got raped but then again i got saved but then again this shit is to much . I hate my life but I wouldn't trade it because life is everything . Jay invited me to his house and i couldn't deny it after everything he did for me . I trust that he wont try anything especially after everything that happened today . i hope this doesn't make everything fucked up between us because he did see me naked but he hasn't brought it up and in the moment i don't think he cares . I must give him a BIG thank you though because he did A LOT ! What can I do in a couple of hours though ? I will think of something before we get to his house hopefully .

We pull up to these white gates that said Carter on it and then the gates open and I see this beautiful house not even mansions okay . It was beautiful the light had just came on because it was getting a little dark now that summer is ending . I just couldn't stop looking at it .

"Its nice right?" jay said looking at me

"Not even its amazing." i said with my eyes open

"why thank you." he said trying to talk proper .

We went into his garage and put the car away and when we got to the door I seen someone that I would have expect to see ..

Word of The Author:

Alright everyone I had to cut this update short because my cousins are coming over and I don't need them fucking my shit up like last time. I have to clean my room (aka hide all my shit from them) . I know someone wanted it to be a dream but I couldn't do that because it just wouldn't be right . but i think i did an okay job but i might be wrong . Comment who you think is at the door and how you liked this update . Happy 4th of July you guys <33 Go watch the fireworks , gain 3 pound from hamburgers and get a tan then folllow me on..

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