Sorry </3

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Hey everyone I really want to apologize for the missing of the updates but I am trying to focus on things that are really important. I am not saying this is important because it means a lot to me but my mom made me realize I don't HAVE to update EVERYDAY its not a priority. I did promise I would post every other day and I usually don't break promises because it just annoys me but if I don't calm down my mom will take all my electronics until I understand whats really matters in life ... I am not saying I am going to only post once a month but I am not going to update everyday unless I don't have time ...  I need to figure out how to plan my time wisely in order to get EVERYTHING done !♥ I really hope you guys don't hate me for breaking this promise because I really do hate breaking promises but this is for the best right now!♡Oh and this story is going to be heating up and I know a lot of you want jay and Bey to be together and all but I don't know about that... it may happen but I don't know right now . We will find out as my imagination guides me threw this story .!♡

PS: I GOT 1.1K READS LIKE YASSSS!♥ Thanks for everyone that reads it and all that good jazz! I love you guys!♡

-Tanyia aka behive4life

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