Lazy Sleep Over❤

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Beyonce P.O.V

Its been a couple months since the whole hotel thing happened and I must say that I am in a way better place now.Kelly was disappointed in me for not telling her but she understood how I felt and she let it go.Jay also forgave me and we decided to just be friends and only friends . I was hard to make that conclusion but we didn't want to start a relationship when we couldn't even trust each other. A relationship is base of trust so why start a relationship that's weak in the beginning . So now we are both happy to be friends even though we haven't had time to hang out because he is working on his stuff and so am I . I hope we hang out before this album comes out but I am just scared to be the one to make arrangements.

The only thing was that both Kelly and Jay wanted me to go to therapy which I did. I just finished my last class yesterday.It helps my situation a lot mentally and emotionally. It made me realize that I shouldn't blame myself and be embarrassed about being raped. I also am more confident and I no longer have to keep the secret locked away in the back of my head. I don't have as many nightmares or day dream about it as much as I use to . I know I am not as stable as I was before all this happened but I'm a lot better and that's what matters.

Alright lets get over all this rape stuff and talk happy things. Our album "Writings of the Wall" is completed and its coming out this month which I am really ecstatic about . I know its going to be a big hit and bring Destiny Child to a whole neither level. We work our asses off in the studio for ours and I know all of the lack of sleep is going to be worth it. Oh and did I mention Farrah left the group to take care her baby. Its just Kelly,Michelle and I . We work way better and were not looking for another member because its perfect the way it is in my opinion. 

"Allow me to re-introduce myself

My name is Hov', OH, H-to-the-O-V"

I looked down at my phone to see I had a text message from Jay. I swiped my screen and put my password in . 

Hov: Aye' Bey?

Bey:Whuddup Jay?

Hov:Just cooling.. Are you busy tonight?

Bey:I have to pack & that's pretty much all..

Hov:Well would you like to have dinner and a movie night type thing?

Bey:Sure but I really don't feel like dressing up and everything tonight..

Hov:No you could come in sweatpants for all I care ..Your beautiful in anything

Bey:Why you got me blushing though?☺

Hov:What can I said ma?

Bey:There goes the cocky bastard I know.

Hov:Are you coming?

Bey:Yes ill be there in a hour Jigga Man..

Hov:That's Mr.Carter to you..

Bey:Well good bye MR.CARTER!

After I sent the last text I got in the shower and all of that good stuff. i am just going to go in black sweatpants a black and white crop top with a black sweat jacket. I looked casual but stylish since now I have to look my best. I then went a grabbed a my black douffle bag and packed some cloths for tomorrow and everything I would need for a day.


I went and knocked on Jays door and he answered within seconds.He gave me huge hug which some what caught me off guard since I don't know what we quite are. Should I kiss him or just take the friendly hug...He pulled away and I punked out on giving him the kiss and making think awkward.

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