Are you sure?♥

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Beyonce P.O.V

I am in New York in a hotel room just chillin alone in the dark . Kelly , Letoya and Latavia are sleep because it is pretty late but I cant sleep . It feels like i am dreaming . My life is so perfect I am a singer with my best freinds . I have an aamzing boyfreind that I love with everything and I am just so happy that I am living out my biggest dreams . Its seem like nothing can ever change the happiness right know . I really need to sleep but I really miss my baby and i want to talk to him so bad . I called him and I hope he answers because it is pretty late but he answered .

*Phone Conversation*

Beyonce: Hey bae .

Lyndall: Hey honey .

Beyonce: I miss you so much ..

Lyndall: I miss you too when are you coming back home?

Beyonce: Not until my birthday ..

Lyndall: Really bae thats a pretty long time . Like 3 months

Beyonce: What are you talking about my birthday is in 2 weeks .

Lyndall: I thought your birthday was Novemeber 8 .

Beyonce: No my birthday is September 4 .

Lyndall: Are you sure .. because Ana birthday is on September 4 and she inivted me to her birthday party.

Beyonce: Ana the hoe?

Lyndall: Bae she isnt a hoe .. she just .

Beyonce: Exacly she is a hoe ..

Lyndall: calm down ..

Beyonce: Why is she inviting you anyways ? Do you be talking to her ?

Lyndall: No Beyonce she invited everyone from High School ..

Beyonce: Are you sure ?

Lyndall: Yes Beyonce trust me I would never hurt you ..

Beyonce: I know i know .. I am just a little tierd that all .. sorry bae.

Lyndall: Its okay bae .

Beyonce: Its getting late i will call you in the morning ..

Lyndall: Night love you ..

Beyonce: Love you too .

*End of the Conversation*

Now that I talked to my bae I can go to sleep peacefully and happy .. The next morning i was woken up by Kelly telling me that we had to get ready for this party . I know what your thinking why get ready so early but when your us it takes all day . You have to go shopping for the dress and make sure we look good together . You have to find shoes thats nice with the dress and conftable but in style . Then you have to find accessories but not too many and then do your hair . You might think that is simple to but you have to match your outfit with you hair because hair can throw off the whole outfit . Yes it takes a lot to do and this party is full with celebrities which is going to be hard. Its not like going to a club filled with normal people no this is high in the busiisness celbrities and to be honest I nervous . Not really but then I am because I am shy and I know if Lyndall was in the club grindding with girls i would be mad so i choose not to go to clubs but my father and the girls want to do . I cant be the only girl that doesnt want to do because then the media will go crazy and i dont have time for the problem .

Life Is But A Dream!♥Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat