Chapter 30. Orbiting Gnumus

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Tyler: Human

"...This can't be real..." Cried Tyler. She was standing in the corner of the room clutching her head, occasionally turning to stare with horror into the small mirror at the monster that was possessing her hair. Should she wake up Hudaryous again? Would he even do anything?

"Be not distressed, my lady; all is not lost!" Smiled the ugly hair face.

Tyler stepped towards the mirror and pulled at her golden hair. "Get out of my hair!!" She yelled, tears forming at the base of her eyes.

"I... I can't, my lady." She could feel her hair move slightly with every movement of the creature's mouth.

"What do you mean you can't??" Yelled Tyler at the reflection.

"Well... I chose you, my lady... I have nowhere else to go."

Tyler grabbed the small gun from the ground and threateningly raised it to the hair, making sure to aim clear away from her head.

"My lady, please." Said the creature in slight distress. "It's not worth it."

Tyler's hands were shaking as she tossed the gun back to the ground and pushed away from the mirror in disgust. "What does that even mean?? You chose me..?! I don't want to have some... creature... in my hair!!"

The hair looked hurt. "My lady, I am not a savage animal; I am a Bovase."

"Stop talking; are you even real?" She spat, nearly interrupting the thing. "Am... am I hallucinating??"

Tyler sat down on the mat and pulled at her hair, attempting to comb through it with her fingers. It wouldn't separate completely where the sleek monster body formed, which only made her try harder.

"Ma'am, -ouch- I assure you I am quite real." The thing was flinching in pain.

"That broccoli thing I ate, I think it's making me delirious..." Tyler dropped her head into her arms and rubbed her eyes. "Hudaryous... he said maybe I am allergic... I need to sleep..." She muttered in despair.

"...If I may, my lady, I can be of much service to you." Said her hair patiently. It's voice still had a hint of hurt in it.

"I want you gone! Get out of my hair!!" Yelled Tyler, pulling on her hair again.

The creature yelped in pain as she tried to separate the strands once again, pulling tightly.

Suddenly the gaping face disappeared and her hair dropped down limp.

She gasped in surprise, gaping at her formless hair. Tyler rushed to the mirror to inspect closer. Was it over?

Her hair had returned to normal and was flowing naturally down her back.

She ran her fingers through the hair. It was gone. Tyler scoffed in delighted disbelief. She examined the hair closer, eyes wide, pulling it in front of her and separating it over her shoulder.

No madam, I am still here. The sly voice was back and it shocked her slightly. Her hair was still limp across her breast. "Where... where did you go??"

I am still here, in your hair my lady. Explained the voice.

Tyler suddenly realized something that sickened her. This time the voice was not audible, but in her head.

"Are you inside my head??" Tyler was freaking out now. "You... you read my thoughts??" Tears bust to her eyes again. This night of horror seemingly had no end.

The creature sighed. Can I come back, my lady? Without you trying to tear me apart?

Tyler gritted her teeth through her sobbing. She didn't want to see the creature's ghastly face formed out of her hair again. But her frenzied fight against the thing was obviously going nowhere.

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