Chapter 24. Gnumus

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Jirabi: Kelpar

Suddenly the wreck in front of them shuddered to life. It was still half buried in the dust, but it obviously had power running through it now.

Then in front of them appeared three PPF officers.

"Woah." Stammered Jirabi.

Him and Heva had been planted on the ground trying to shade themselves from the sun's blistering heat.

They stood up quickly to greet the officials.

"Lieutenant Toin?" Called a stout female officer into her messenger chip at her shoulder. "We have successfully made it to the site, awaiting your instructions." The alien then turned towards Jirabi and Heva, eying their sweat stained suits and dust caked skin.  "Is one of you Captain Byralnus?"

"No Ma'am." Replied Jirabi. "I am Jirabi Malba, first mate of CSC team seven, and this is Heva Belnag, species expert. Our captain went into the wreckage some time ago, as did Officer Toin."

The officer's head pulled back in scoffing disbelief and her face scrunched up in confusion. The other two officers looked at each other and murmured something. "Lieutenant Toin can't possibly be here already." Frowned the lead Officer. "We just teleported from his location seconds ago—his plan was to come after us."

"Yes, well..." Jirabi faltered. " three have been lost in transit for the past few hours."

The officers stared at him blankly, stunned.

One of the other two officers piped up from the side. "How long exactly?"

The large Kelpar shook his head. "I'm not sure. At least two hours."

The head officer turned away from Jirabi and Heva, calling once again into her shoulder microphone. "Lieutenant Tion. Do you hear me Lieutenant Toin?"

Silence. There was no one on the other end.

"Lets move in." Ordered the officer to the other two, turning towards the dark entrance of the ship. The two officers at her side nodded and followed behind her, marching as quickly as they could through the heavy dust.

Jirabi and Heva watched them go in silence.

The two of them soon resumed their desperate attempts to shade their bodies from the heat, dropping themselves back down into the dust. Jirabi had tried on multiple occasions to strike up a few more conversations with Heva while they sat and waited, but for the most part they had stayed silent. Jirabi really didn't mind though.

Suddenly there was a low rumble that echoed through the wreckage.

Jirabi and Heva perked up, both turning to study the ship. What could that have possibly been? It didn't sound mechanical...

It was coming from deep inside the wreckage. The reverberating rumble continued on for several moments.

Anxiety shot through Jirabi's body.

"Heva," He said thoughtfully. "I feel like we need to go in there too. I think... our team might be in trouble."

The small blue bubble sat quietly looking at the ground. The large feather protruding from her head swayed slightly in the hot air as she breathed. "We would be directly disobeying orders." Said her soft voice.

Jirabi frowned. That was true. But that loud sound unsettled him. Something big was going on in there, and they were useless outside. "I think we need to disobey orders this time. I will take full responsibility."

Heva nodded slightly. "Alright." She said, standing up. "Let's go."

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