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"How that you have less than 5 years to live?" Aiden asks Anna-Lynn.

He has entered the house without knocking and I am following him in the kitchen where Anna-Lynn and Collin are. Well they know we are here as he has screamed a few seconds ago.

"Keep quiet Harper is sleeping upstairs!" Anna-Lynn says.

Is she kidding me?! Five minutes ago, she was dancing, jumping and laughing not worried about the baby sleeping.

"Is this true Anna-Lynn?" Aiden asks again.

"Why do you ask?" She asks him " Like that you can throw a party?"

"Answer me!" He says losing his patience.

"Yes, I am dying. Congratulations your prayers were answered. You can be happy now!" She says with a cold smile.

"But no I thought I had time." He says totally shocked.

"Time for what?" She asks.

"To fix our relationship." He tells her.

She has a short cruel laugh before saying: "What relationship? You said it yourself Beta we are nothing."

How can she be so cold? Doesn't she see how shaken he is by the new of her near-death?

"So what in a few years, we will have received a mail to announce your death? And we would just have to bury you?" He asks her.

"Not if my last wishes are followed. Do you will think that I didn't plan my funeral yet?"

"But to be bury here you need to ask the Alpha's authorization." I tell her.

Again she laughs: " Do you really think I want to be bury in your land. I may be born here but it was never my home."

"So you didn't even plan to invite us to your funeral?" Says Aiden.

"As if you would have come!" She mocks him.

"Why are you dying?" He asks her.

"Not your business. As you care anyway."

"How long did you know?" He asks her.

"Few years."

"You've never planned to tell us, didn't you?"

"Why should I have? We are just strangers."

"You knew it and you didn't tell me anything!" He says directing his anger toward Collin.

"It was not my secret to tell." Collin just answers.

That true, he was supposed to tell us everything!

"You should have to tell me! I'm your Alpha."

"I am a Gamma my first mission is to protect my Luna." He says defensively.

"She is not your Luna. Nora is!"

"Right now, she is!" He dares tell me. "And that was not significant information."

"Not significant information! You are joking, right." Says Aiden even angrier.

"You are not the one who can decide which information is significant or not!" I tell Collin.

"I will find someone to monitor her as you are not able to. You can leave now." I order him.

"Actually he is living here so leaving means going wherever he wants in the house. I don't want anyone else to monitor me. It's him or I'm leaving." Anna-Lynn says.

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