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I'm following Anton's smell through the wood and out of the pack land. He is running fast, faster than he used to be. Something weird happened in Liam's office. His eyes were not his or his wolf. His smell is getting stronger, I'm not far from him.

When I see him, I'm surprised to see him in his human form.

"You didn't turn?" I ask him.

"I didn't want to." He replies.

"Are you fine?"

"Why I wouldn't be fine. Oh Yeah! Someone wants to claim what's mine!"

"And we both know that's not possible. He will die trying."

"I know but it's doesn't make it better. You are mine Anna-Lynn! MINE!"

"Anna-Lynn? Seriously! I know you're pissed but I didn't do anything wrong. How dare you Anna-Lynn me! Normally your possessiveness is turning on but right now you are pissing me."

"What can I say? I can't take it anymore everywhere we are going I have to see men, even women, lusting at you and trying to seduce you. And I can't show them that you're mine!" He is furious and his eyes change again but they are not his wolf eyes.

"It's the same for me! Women are always throwing themselves on your feet! If I had killed all the females that made me feel jealous, werewolves would be threatened with extinction." That makes him laugh but it's a dry laugh as he is still furious.


"Really!" I take his hand and place it over my heart. "It's beating only for you. I don't know why we weren't paired together but I have not to doubt that you're my true soulmate."

"What are you doing?" I ask him when he lowers his hand on my breast.

"Can a man cock a feel in peace?" He says rhetorically.

"Of course. Sorry!" I reply sarcastically.

"Look what you did! I was furious and you make me lose my focus with your goddess' body!"

"And I was thinking you were calming down listening to me. Next time, I will just start a sexy dance."



"Naked the dance, I'm really pissed."

I shake my head and try to not laugh.

"What do you want me to do? You know if I could I would already be bearing your mark and you mine." I tell him.

"The need to claim you is getting stronger every day. I don't know how long I can keep going like that."

"You want to mark me." I say incredulously.

"Yes. I can't wait for another day."

"Even if it's killing you. You still want to do it?"

"Yes! I gave up everything for you and I want you to bear my mark in exchange." He replies determined.

"What about our daughter?" I say.

"What daughter?" Alec says coming by my left. Damn, I was so focused on Anton that I didn't hear him.

I sigh: "what are you doing here Alec?"

"Since when do you know you're pregnant?"

"Since Noah told me last time I turned."

"How is it even possible?"

"I don't know." I say feeling tired suddenly by all the fights.

"And you're fighting against Markus in a couple of days. This is not reasonable!" Alec adds.

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