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I spoke with Gamma Alec this morning but I didn't learn a lot. He didn't tell me who sent him or how he knew Anna-Lynn. He also refused to tell me which pack he came for safety reasons...The only thing he could tell is that He and she used to work together. She is also working in that Agency as a mediator. The only interesting thing I learned is Alistair also works for Team-L. He smiled when with spoke about him so I think they are friends.

After that, I decided to spend my morning with Tom and Nora and guess where we are? At the swimming pool! It's what Tom wanted to do when we asked him. No way he is a wolf he loves water too much. That makes me think about Alistair who had met sirens... I really need to find a way to fix our relationship.

"What's on your mind, my love?" Nora asked me.

"Alistair. I really need to apologize to him. I want him in our life. Even if I don't approve of his mate's choice, he is still my brother. I would have never accepted a witch as my mate but I need to respect his choice."

"Their love is really strong. So strong that it was not possible to make him believed he was wrong or she was just his imagination."

"But you still try? Why you didn't tell me?" I ask.

"I had that feeling you will be disappointed if I failed. It was very intense and scary. I was trying for weeks to make him believe it was a dream and I was about to give up when an idea pops up in my head: to succeed I needed to erase all his memories." She answers.

"And it worked?" I ask astounded.

"His wolf fought me but I was determined and I was winning until she...." she shivers not finishing her sentence.

"What do you mean you were winning?"

"I was able to erase his memories, almost all his memories. After l could have made him as you want him to be... Actually this is horrible but I don't know when l did it, it was all making sense. I just knew I have to do it."


"I don't know it's so not like me to be so determined and without asking for your opinion." She tells me.

"It's not what I wanted you to do. You know I love you and I will never be disappointed by you."

"I know, I'm sorry. I don't know what it took me. The worst is I could have killed him."

"It's okay, sweetheart." I tell hugging her.

"Thank you for being so understanding." She says hugging me back. "There is more through?"

"What are you talking about?" I ask while I keep hugging her. Her head is in my chest and she can't see my face and the worries written on it.

"I didn't have access to all his memories. A lot was blocked and I don't know how? I didn't see a lot of memories with his mate or also with uhm... her, your ex-mate. There was a specific memory where they were attacked and they were in a bad position. I tried and tried but I couldn't see how it's ended. Something or someone blocked me out and it was powerful. The same with his mate, I saw how they met, how they fall in love and after that nothing. Something happens that the force blocking me didn't want me to see. " Even saying Her and Ex-mate was difficult for her like painful.

Before we can keep going, Tom says: "Can I have a hug too?"

"Of course! Come here." Nora and I say at the same time.

He jumps in out open arms. Damn it's cold as he is all wet.

"Daddy stop talking with mommy and come to play in the water with me! please?" He asks a few seconds after we started the family's hug.

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