Twenty Five : A Fun 'Date'

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I got up early. Making sure everyone was sleeping I sneaked into the kitchen. I really didn't wanted to do anything related to Namjoon or my feelings. It was already tiring to deal with this feeling but now I made a promise and I have to tell him how I feel. Great.

I started to cook something to distract myself from the inevitable. I grabbed the ingredients I needed to make a pancake and started to cook. Good thing I didn't have to cook a lot since none of them wakes up until 8-

"Good morning." I snapped my head back and saw that Tae was awake. I was a little taken back, why was he up so early? I looked at the clock and saw it was already 7:59. How long was I cooking?

I looked at the plate in front of me. When did I make these!? I put all the pancakes on each plate. I didn't even realize I made nine of them until now. How distracted I was?

"Hey hyung, are you going to tell Namjoon Hyung about-" I cut him of with a glare. He quickly shut up and gave me an innocent smile.

"About what??" Namjoon entered the kitchen. Tae smiled widely while I blushed a little and coughed.

"Good Morning." Tae said. Namjoon smiled a little and said it back.

"Ah! Pancakes!!" Before he could touch them slapped his hand.

"Don't eat them yet! First of all they're hot, second of all everyone's isn't here yet." Namjoon sighed defeated while Tae chuckled a bit and whispered to him what I could only make out to be something like 'you'll get use to it.' I huffed and started make tea and coffee for everyone. After that I send the two to bring the others here. When everyone came in they gave me knowing looks. Though Joonie couldn't see it since he was literally drowning in pancakes.

Yoongi looked at me and when he saw I wasn't going to do anything he started.

"So." Everyone looked up at him. When he got all of our attention he continued. "Today Me, Jungkook, Jimin, Taehyung and Hoseok are planning on doing a music video shooting so I can make a choreography for my new song. Since I'm going to sell it and it's an important video I can't have you two here making noises. I would say join in the video but this part of the choreography only has 4 people in it. And I'm the one who raps so if you two don't mind could you two please go to a restaurant or something? Like hangout or whatever. When the second part of the choreography comes I'll call you guys so you can come and we'll shoot the second part with you."

Saying I was beyond annoyed with Yoongi's clever plan of setting us together would be an understatement. I  really didn't want to do this but I didn't have a good reason to say no. I quit my job when we moved here since we work together now and all I do is just sit down or record my singing. It's not like anyone knows our faces since we wear masks so I couldn't blame the stalkers as well.
Namjoon looked like he was debating if he should say yes or no.

"I mean as long as you don't make us stay out of the house 'till midnight it's fine with me." He said nodding his head at the same time. I sighed a little and nodded.

"Fine. But don't take forever." Everyone including Yoongi smiled and nodded. Yoongi had that smirk on his face that made me want to beat the life out of him.

When everyone ate there breakfast we washed the dishes and went to get ready. After putting on my outfit which was black jeans and a blue tshirt I grabbed my black jacket and went to Namjoon's room. I knocked twice and after hearing a faint 'come in' I entered the room.

"Hey you ready?" He nodded. He was wearing a black tshirt and blue trousers. He put on a grey coat jacket.
After exiting the house I asked him,

"So where do you want to go?" He looked around abit and said,

"Let's go to a park. I wanna walk a little." I nodded. While we were walking towards the small park I muttered to myself.

"Huh...I never realized." He looked at me confused.

"What did you never realized?" I looked at him only know realizing I said it a bit to loud.

"I never realized until now that park and walk rhymes." He stopped walking and looked at me for a while. Then he bursted out laughing. I blushed and frowned.

"What? What's so funny?? Hey, stop laughing!!!" He continued laughing. I huffed and crossed my arms, started to walk again. He ran after me to catch up.

"Wait! Wait! Ah shit my stomach... I'm sorry!! I wasn't laughing at you, I swear!" He grabbed my shoulder to try to make me stop walking. I looked at him from the corner of my eye. He looked so nice... his face was full of genuine happiness. My face softened.

"I just wasn't expecting for you to say something like that. You were looking at the park and then you just said it so awestruck I just really wasn't expecting it." He said. I started to smile a bit.

"Okay fine. I forgive you but it's just because my legs are killing me let's sit down." He looked at me amused.

"But we came here to walk." I rolled my eyes and sat at the near by bench.

"Well if you want to you can go and walk as much as you want I'll be here. But don't comeback and tell me you were bored and lonely without my blessing existence." He laughed a little and sat down with me.

"Yeah sure hyung." We sat at the bench in silence. It was honestly really calming. The wind was blowing sa gently while the trees in the park quiets down the sounds of the busy city. The sky was cloudy but it wasn't covering the entire sky. I felt at peace for some reason. Being here at a calming place with someone you deeply care about. It was really a good feeling.

"Hyung." Namjoon called for me quietly like the sound of the wind. I hummed not wanting to bother the calming silence. I wasn't looking at him but from the corner of my eye I could see that he was looking at me.

"I want to talk to you about something."
I looked at him. He looked calm but in his eyes there was something more. He looked tired and worried a little.

"What is it?" I asked. I was speaking slowly not wanting to scare him because something in me knew that he was already scared enough.

"It's about...


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