34. Plans, plots and failures

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I wish it is not that hard to say goodbye to you, I wish I can tell you that I don't need you, but... - Alexandra.

34. Plans, plots and failures


It was two weeks since the lunch at his parents' and Logan couldn't stop thinking about what Chad had asked him.

Would she say yes if he asked her out?


Sometimes he just wanted to forget everything and go back to living his life as he had been living for so long, but it was impossible to do that. Alex had changed everything about his life, every dynamic and now that she was gone, it showed. He could see her puttering around in his kitchen, see her watering the bushes, see her bending over the oven and it was getting g harder and harder to not think about her. He tried.

At nights, when his skin was cold and heart was lonely, he could still see her in his bed, naked and flushed, beautiful and breathtaking and he could feel her all over him and it would bring him the kind of ache only she could relieve.

Everything looked and felt so wrong now that she was gone and he didn't know, he didn't want to know if he could survive another decade without her.

So why is this not enough for her?

Why did she had to have love? He could easily give her everything, in fact, more than any man who would love her would give her. But she wanted love. Why was that so, so necessary? It wasn't a necessity.

What they had, it was special in its own right.

"Logan, earth to Logan."

Logan was startled awake. He looked up to see Daniel leaning against the wall.

"When did you come?" He asked and Daniel shrugged.

"About five minutes ago. Were you planning world dominion or just planning how to conquer Alex back?"


"So are you ready to party? And how old is Ethan Borne? A hundred and ten?" Daniel asked with a frown. "Do we really need to go?"

"Of course we are going. Mr. Borne is only seventy, and still one of the most prominent business magnate in the country. He started off from nothing, and he went to such unimaginable heights. He is my role model. Oh, and also, I need to find some new business." Logan said as he adjusted his tie. "And need to cut some old contractors off without offending them. This is the only way I can do both of that."

"And of course, talk to Mr. Borne."

"And of course. He was one of the few who gave me the first chance I so desperately needed. He was also one of the very few who gave me the push in the right direction."

"The other one was Alex's dad, huh? Don't you ever wonder? It almost feels like a destiny, the connection and coincidences between you and her and yet here you two are, moving in your own direction."

"Is she really moving on?"

"What do you think?"

"I don't know. She loved me and then didn't and it is just so-"

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