Chapter 18: Traci {Edited}

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I couldn't believe these people really had me going with them to this mystery address. We don't know who lives there or what is waiting on us. This is so ridiculous. I'm not trying to get myself killed, I still got my life to live. If these bitches want to die then they need to do it on they time. Sound selfless, but it's the truth.

"Ok I got us some snacks. Ruffles, Doritos, sunflower seeds, snickers, a couple of drinks, and gum," Jasmine announced when she got in the backseat of the car.

"This ain't not damn field trip Jazz!" I said.

"Your point is? "She said, opening a bag of Ruffles. "Doesn't mean I have to starve."

Lauren got behind the wheel and started the car. "Full tank of gas, we're good to go," she said happily.

"Y'all just looking for trouble," I sighed.

"No T, we just want to find out who is doing this to us," Lauren corrected. She pulled out of the gas station and onto the road.

"Exactly. Trouble," I mumbled.

Lauren put the address in her navigation system and we were on our way. The sun was going down. It was a clear night and the sky looked quite mysterious and calm but most of all entrancing. The stars began to shimmer while the moon began to glisten.

A perfect night to be at home in my husband's arms right after having some good ass sex with him. Ugh! Let me text him.

"We're about ten minutes away," Lauren announced. "So what's the plan?"

"What do you mean, What's the plan Harriet the Spy?!" I asked, looking up from my phone. "You were the main one that wanted to go to this address and-"

"Calm down Traci," Jasmine said. "Look, it's simply, two go in and two stay in the car."

I looked at Jasmine in disbelief. "Split up? Are you crazy, that's how everybody gets killed in a horror movie. I refuse."

"Nobody is going to die," Abrianna countered.

"That's what they say in the beginning," I mumbled.

I noticed Jasmine glancing at me from the corner of my eye so I looked up. "What's up?" I asked her.

"I talked to Robert today," she said.

"Yeah, you told me earlier that you were going to have a lunch date with him."

"It wasn't a lunch date," she hissed.

I put my hands up to surrender and laughed. "Whatever you want to call it is fine with me."

"Pay attention!" She yelled. "The reason why he asked me out was to talk about Jo-"

Jasmine was cut short because the car stopped, jerking us all forward. The seat belt click, letting me know that I was not about to go flying out the car. "What the hell Lauren!" Abrianna screamed.

"Sorry! Damn, I didn't want to kill the squirrel!" She exclaimed.

"Ain't no squirrels in California Lauren," Jasmine shook her head.

All heads except mines turned in her direction. I ignored her stupid comment. Being use to shit like that, you have no choice but to push it aside.

"We're here," Lauren announce while putting the car in gear.

We all got out of the car and took in our surrounding. I immediately notice the boarded up house that we parked in front of.

The roof was green, covered in moss and caved in at several places. The windows were dark with dirt on them. The grass grew tall filled with weeds and maybe animals ready to jump out and attack at any moment.

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