Chapter 2: Lauren {Edited}

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Picture of Lauren... Sanaa Lathan:) -------->


With one hand on the steering wheel and the other in my purse sitting on my lap, I checked to make sure I had my phone. I tried to keep my eyes on the road but every so often would glance down at my lap. I didn't remember grabbing it on the way out this morning. "Dammit!" I grunted. I made a U-turn at the light and started speeding back to my house. I needed to get to the office quick so I can get ready for court.

 Working at Reed & Jones, LLP can be a demanding job sometimes. I get case loads after case loads. I work every day and rarely get holidays off, but that's ok with me. In order to have the finer things in life, one must make and adjust to sacrifices. That is what my life is all about. I get home late and wake up early which leaves me so tired that I do not have time for my husband right now. I’m defending a 23 year old male who is accused with first degree murder and it takes up most of my time. I know he's innocent.  LAPD has 48 hours to present evidence to the D.A’s office to have him arranged on charge. 

While getting out of the car, I checked my watched and noticed that I only had seven minutes to get my phone and to the courthouse downtown. Walking to the front door, I unlocked it and stepped inside closing the door behind me.

Now my relationship with my husband. I don't know where to begin. I love Ray, don't get me wrong but me and him haven't been seeing eye to eye lately, because of the hours I put in at my job.

“Ray? I left my phone…” I called out to him but stopped to listen to the strange sounds that were coming from the guest bedroom.

“Wow, he’s watching that shit again,” I sighed. I told him to throw it out... Men. "I thought you were on your way to work!" I said aloud. I was on my way to my home office but decided to go to the bedroom to give him a piece of my mind.

I open the guest bedroom and froze immediately! In total shock of what I saw before my eyes. My husband and another female in bed; together. I couldn't move. It was as if my feet were nailed to the floor.

I watched them in the act long enough but then Ray looked up. I was running to my home office when I heard, “Shit!” and quick movements.

I grabbed my phone from my desk and turned around to exited but soon he was running through the door. “Lauren, let me explain,” he said with conviction.

“I need to go to work.” I pushed passes him but didn't get quite far.

 He stopped me by putting his strong hand on my bicep, “Lauren, no I can’t have you walking out this house without-”

“Without what? Without you explaining to me exactly why your cheating on me? So you mean to tell me you have a good fucking excuse?" I yelled, " This is MY house, and you bring some girl into my bed and fuck her? You don't wanna see me walk away from you but  I want you to watch me because I'm not staying here to go to jail for first-degree murder!” I said interrupting whatever he was going to say, snatching my arm from his grasp. I stumbled back but was able to gather myself in time before falling on my butt. I ran out the office and the house, walking briskly to my car.

“Lauren!” He called out but I completely ignored him. Getting into my car, I started it up , backed out my driveway, and was soon on my way to work.


A/N: I know what your think, "It's to short for me". Well guess what, it's to short for me too lol. Don't worry! If you stick with my story I promise you i'll make it up!

This chapter is edited if you see a mistake let me know or even more ideas for this chapter to make it longer. I will dedicate this chapter to you if you give me a great idea. Inbox me:)

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