Chapter 6: Lauren {Edited}

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Picture of Ray Evans on the right... Mel Jackson

I breezed through the revolving doors at Reed & Jones, LLP, in a matter of minutes due to my fast driving. Thank God, no cops tried to pull me over because to be honest, I wasn't going to stop. I had to get away from him and that house as soon as possible. On the way here, I repeatedly keep thinking about what I could have done to cause this. Cause his betrayal. It was deeper than not spending time with him. I knew it. I'm smart enough to know this but the thought couldn't come quicker. In fact, it didn't come at all. Hell, I graduated at the top of my class in law school.

I'm glad I had my mother’s temper, because if not I would have unleashed on his ass and it wouldn't have been a pretty sight to see. I have always kept my cool in situations since I could remember. I guess that is why I was a damn good lawyer.

I was walking so fast and hard that my Christian Louboutins’ felt like they were going to break. Maybe if I had on knock-offs. My assistant Evelyn saw me coming through the doors and at once came to my side. I knew I had another busy day ahead of me. We walked side by side on our way to my office while she flipped open her grey portfolio notebook, she read me my schedule for today.

“Good morning Mrs. Evans,” She said with a bright smile, “Bad news, Judge Thomas called about twenty minutes ago to tell you that court as been cancelled because he was ill.”

“Damn him!” I said with authority, “I need to close this case today!”

“You didn’t let me finish, good news is, Alvin Murphy was released this morning.”

I stopped in my tracks and turned to her, “Wait why? They didn’t have enough evidence!”

She smiled and shook her head, “Actually, his brother Gregory Murphy confessed to the murder last night. The evidence they received pointed to him and now he is currently waiting for his trial date.”

I stared at disbelief. “Are you serious? I cannot believe it! This is great, why the hell didn’t you tell me this first!” I said and began to walk again to my office.

She shrugged. As we approach the door, I opened it and walk to my desk. While walking around it I said, “You’re fired.”

Her eyes lit with bewilderment, and then all the blood drained from her face. “Wait! Why? I didn’t…”

I put my hand up to stop her from talking. I knew if I didn't stop her before she started her rampage, it would be impossible to do so. Evelyn was a short Latina woman who had a mouth on her and was feisty as she can be.

I sat in my chair, pulled the last drawer in my desk, and put my purse in it. “I was kidding Evelyn! Why do you fall for that every time,” I laughed.

I looked up at her and notice all the blood came back with a sign of relief on her face. She put her hand on her chest. “My God! I need you to stop doing that!”

“Yea, maybe one day. Back to business, what else is on my schedule?” I asked changing the subject.

“You have lunch with Traci Moore today at 1:30 and also since the Murphy case is done you can go ahead and start filing your paper work.”

“Great! So basically I have a free schedule today?” I asked with relief.

“Yes ma’am,” she said

“Please Evelyn, don’t call me ma’am. In not your mother nor am I old. Did Kalvin get in yet?” I told her and booted up my computer.

“Yes but he had to go to court as soon as he got here,” she started to turn away and said, “I’ll get your coffee.”

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