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Lauren's POV

It's been a week staying in the school. Camila and I still haven't talked about being official but she did tell me that her and Ariana were over. I should probably ask her to be my girlfriend again, right? That sounded too soon, but with a zombie apocalypse happening, what else could I do?

I wish I could ask Camila now, but sadly she and Normani weren't here, they were both out traveling the school grounds.

Suddenly the alarm went on for the second time today and John came running into the room. Why was he panicking? "Hurry!" He shouted and signaled for us to get out of the room. "Fast!" He yelled at us.

"Follow behind me, alright?!" He ordered and started running down the halls which filled with other people that were just confused as I was.

We reached the ground floor, where all the other survivors were getting into the cars. What was happening? Where are we going?

"Where's Camila and Normani?" I asked, looking around but the two were nowhere to be found. "WAIT!" I yelled.

"John! One more seat over here!" A man in an army uniform called.

"Hurry! Get in!" John said to me and pushed me into the car — separating me from the others.Fuck- The engine started and I quickly panicked, "Wait- we can't leave yet! My friend, Normani, and girlfriend, Camila, aren't still found!"

The man in the driver's seat looked at me, "My name is Brad... Please don't panic further.... I'm sure they'll be okay. We'll meet them outside of town," He told me and looked back at the road and drove off.

"What happened?" The girl next to me asked.

"Our defense wasn't strong enough. Zombies kept coming so we had no choice but to evacuate," Brad explained as he turned the corner. "But don't worry we're gonna be alright," He assured us."And what about Camila and Normani?" I asked, afraid what may happen to the two girls.

"Like I said... They're gonna meet us there," Brad repeated to me.

"How sure?" I couldn't help but ask "I mean- there were tons of people back there... How sure are you that they'll be alright?" I asked and my head started thinking all the negative things that could happen to the two.

"Just calm down... I'm sure they're alright," Brad kept telling me, but I wasn't believing shit.

"Stop saying that it'll be alright when you don't know if they'll actually be alright!" I yelled and I felt my body start to shake. I was panicking. I needed to know if they were actually okay. "Turn around!" I ordered.

"We can't do that!" Brad responded and continued to drive straight.

"I'm not leaving without knowing they're safe!" I fought.

Brad pulled out a needle and fear rushed through my veins. "What the fuck is that?!" I asked with wide eyes. He pointed the needle towards me. "What are you doing?" I tried to push his hand away, but he was too strong.

"This is to put you in deep sleep. I was given order to inject anyone who is panicking," He explained before inserting the needle.

Fuck- a sharp pain in my arm was the last thing on my mind before everything went dark.

Camila's POV

Normani and I were stuck hiding in the school. We watched the others drive off in cars, while others got infected — so Normani and I, made the best choice that wouldn't get us killed; We hid in the library.

"We need to find a way out...." I whispered to Normani and she quickly nodded showing approval.

I slowly stood up from behind the table. "Get ready to run," I informed my bestfriend following behind me. We reached the door of the library and ran into the halls — Brain eating zombies filled the place.

"Holy fuck!" Normani said underneath her breath.

Tons of Bloodshot eyes were focused on us — it caused goosebumps to spread across my body like wildfire. Fuck!

"RUN!" I grabbed Normani's hand and tugged her along with me. We ran the opposite way of the zombies — the stupid slippery tiles making it hard to run fast without falling.

"This way!" I said as I saw a huge door that had the words Exit on it. "Hurry!" We rushed to the door and pushed it open.

"A steel bar!" Normani passed me a steel bar to put it in between the door handles to hold it close. Once the bar was in, the zombies couldn't push through the door.

I breathed in relief.

"We should move quickly, that's not gonna hold them long...." Normani told me and led the way into the empty streets.

"Do you think they're okay?" I suddenly let my thoughts into the air.
"Yeah, I mean they're probably on their way somewhere safe," Normani responded with confidence.

I hope she was right. "I hope Lauren's okay," I mumbled.

"Have I ever told you that you guys are literally soulmates?" Normani laughed. "Like after all this time you two still found it back to each other," She said and nudged my shoulder, it caused my cheeks to blush.

"I guess a love like ours never dies," I smiled.

Beep! Beep!

I turned and it was a car that stopped right next to us. A guy in an army uniform stepped out. "I don't think you remember me but I don't have much time left...." He started. "Take the keys," He said while handing the car keys to us. "Your friends are with John... They're going to a town where its safe and zombies haven't reached yet," He explained and that's when I noticed a bite mark on his arm.

He noticed my staring at the bite and nodded, "Like I said, I don't have much time. The town where you'll find them is called Heidi.... It's probably a two day drive. Good luck," He said, my eyes wondered to his chest as I read the name tag 'Dwayne Johnson'.

I walked over to the car as I remembered neither me nor Normani knew how to drive. I turned around to Dwayne, but he already had a gun held to his head as I watched him pull the trigger."Fuck!" I jumped at the action. That's a memory I'll probably never forget. Gosh!

"Okay, I'll drive..." I said, hopping in the driver's seat and Normani next to me. "I mean how hard can this be." I said as I inserted the key into ignition switch. I started the engine and my heartbeat increased.

Oh god......

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