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Camila's POV

Shawn and I woke up upon hearing a loud gun shot.

We both snapped upwards and got up. Gun shots were never good news, but with a zombie Apocalypse going on, it can only mean that there are other survivors out there.

"Come on," said Shawn, he took both bags and filled them with supplies before walking to the window. I wiped my tired eyes before following him.

We heard another gun shot from a distance.

"We should go," I said and pulled Shawn along with me. We exited the grocery store, and the streets were empty. Suddenly more gunshots started to fire again.

I looked up and saw two men on the roof — they were shooting at a whole group of zombies from a distance. "Shawn...." I called the boy's attention.

"What?" Shawn asked and brought his eyes to me and then looked at what I was focused on.

"We better start to run while the zombies are distracted," I said and he nodded giving me his confirmation.

We started to run the other direction. We turned the conner and a huge wave of zombies were fast approaching us. Fuck- I tugged on Shawn's arm, pulling us back from where we came from.

"RUN!" One of the men from the rooftop yelled out to us.

Shawn and I began running for our lives again.

The men from the rooftop started shooting at the zombies non stop. "Fuck!Fuck!Fuck!" I heard Shawn cuss underneath his breath as we ran.

"GET INSIDE THE BUILDING!" One of the men shouted at us from the roof. They continued to shoot, as we got inside the building that was 6 story high.

I hit my shoulder on one of the pilars on the way in. "Fuck!" I yelped and held my shoulder in pain.

"Hurry up! Zombies are right behind us!" Shawn shouted at me as he pushed through the door that had the words 'staircase' on the door.

We reached the stairs and I stopped in my tracks, "You have got to be fucking with me...." I said as I looked at how many steps of stairs there were. 

"Hurry!" Shawn yelled as he ran ahead of me.

I quickly followed him up the stairs. We kept running up, without a plan to where we were actually headed. Fuck- I felt my knees start to get weak — It was getting tired. I looked up and saw nothing but endless stairs. "We're going to die!" I yelled at Shawn who was way ahead of me.

We reached the 2nd floor and that's when I heard low groans of zombies coming from behind me. Fuck- They were following closely.

"We- are... not gonna die! Just... don't stop! Ke-keep running," Shawn said between breaths.We reached the 3rd floor and I couldn't bare the pain in my legs anymore. I decided to exit the staircase and enter the hallway. I turned around to see Shawn didn't follow me. Fucking idiot- I quickly rushed into the nearest room. I shut the door behind me and made sure to lock it. Damnit! Shawn is a dead man... He won't have anywhere to go if he continues to run up to the roof. I could only hope he'd be smart and stop by the fifth floor.

I took deep breaths trying to recollect myself. Remembering I still haven't checked the apartment if there were no zombies, I made my way to the kitchen to find a knife. I pulled open the drawers and cabinets. "Aha!" I exclaimed when I found a knife. I took it out and held it tightly before slowly walking around to check if the apartment was indeed zombie free.I walked into the living room.

Suddenly someone pushed me onto the floor, I yelped when I landed on my knees. "Fuck!" I hissed and quickly stumbled backwards. I fixed the knife in my hands as a hungry zombie fastly crawled it's way towards me.

I held my hand high and stabbed the zombie right in the forehead. The knife went right through it's skull. "Fuck you!" I spat with venom and continued to stab the zombie repeatedly causing it's blood splattered all over me.

The human with rotten skin collapsed to my side. I spat my saliva into it's face, "You picked the wrong meal, asshole!" I sneered and forced myself up. I rushed my way to the other side of the room with my heart pounding in my chest. "Fuck- I can't believe I almost died," I breathed out as I held my chest in fear.

The door suddenly broke down. My eyes widened at the number of zombies that stared to fill the room.

Shit! Shit! Shit!

My eyes roamed the room in panic. What should I do? Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! My eyes landed on the window and before I even knew it, I ran straight and jumped out the window; breaking the glass in action. "Shittt!!" I screamed loudly as I was falling.

My body hit the hard cement below me and I winced in pain. Fuck! I shut my eyes tightly. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! My whole body was in pain. I tried to get up, but I couldn't move my legs anymore without them burning with pain. Shit- I forced to move it and yelped in response.

I scanned my surroundings to see no zombies around - Thank God for that.

"Ohhhhh myyyyy goddddd!!" Someone yelled at the top of their lungs. I furrowed my eyebrows to who was screaming — I looked up and saw Shawn falling from the sky. What the fuck?

"C-Camilaa!" He yelled last second as we met eyes and the boy hit the cement, that's when I knew he was probably dead. I felt my head begin to fuzz as I looked at my friend on the cement with some blood. I heard gunshots go on again and the sound slowly faded as my eyes slowly fluttered closed.


I felt myself start to gain conscious again. My eyes fluttered open and I blinked a few times until my vision was clear. My body was still sore, but not like it was when I first landed after jumping out of the window. I pushed myself up and realized I was on a couch. Where the hell am I? How did I get in an apartment?

"Hey, You're up!"

I looked over my shoulder to see it was Shawn.

My eyes widened and I gave him a confused look, "How are you still fucking alive?" I rasped out due to a dry throat. Fuck- How long was I out for?

"Here," Shawn handed me a cup of water.

He circled around the couch and sat beside me — That's when I saw he was in a pair of new fresh shorts. I looked at his left leg and my eyes bulged at the sight of it. "What's wrong with your leg?" I pointed at his broken leg with shock.

He just shrugged, "I jumped off the fourth floor," He told me naturally and sat back into the couch.

"I know that!" I slightly yelled out. "How are you acting all cool? Have you seen your fucking leg? It's all busted!" I exclaimed and pointed to his twisted swollen leg — By looking too long at it, I gagged. "Urgh! It fucking looks like one of those curly fries from McDonald's....but purple." I said and felt my tummy turn. "It's disgusting!"

A deep chuckle suddenly occurred from the corner. I looked up to see it was one of the men from the rooftop. "Are you always this funny?" He approached us.

"I'm Dylan," He introduced. "My brother, Cole, and I are the reason why both of you are still alive," He informed us.

I gave him a short smile, "Thank you. My name is Camila."

"Well, Camila you will be fine, you just sprained your foot. But for Shawn, uhhhh-" He paused as he looked at Shawn's busted leg. "I think it'll stay like that for life."

I looked over at Shawn.

"You two on drugs?" Someone else asked as they came out from the kitchen.

We looked up to see the other man from the rooftop, who's name is Cole according to Dylan. I instantly shook my head at him. "What makes you think that?" I asked Cole.

He smirked for a second, but it quickly disappeared and he turned serious once again. "I think that because only idiots would jump out of windows during an apocalypse," He answered as he took a seat across from us. "You could've died."

I didn't say anything, knowing he was right. It was stupid to jump out but if he had no choice like Shawn and I did, I bet Cole would do the same.

"Well... It was nice meeting you two," Dylan stood up from where he sat. "But I'm afraid this is where we bid goodbye," He held his hand out for me to shake.

"Already?" I asked and I took his hand to shake.

"But you can't just leave us..." Shawn started. "We wouldn't last a day outside with my condition," He pointed out.

Cole stood up as well, "That's your problem not ours. We already helped you enough, it's time for us to leave... But here," He pulled out pistols out of his backpack. "It'll come in handy," He winked and handed both guns to me.

They bid their goodbye's and left.

Shawn took one of the pistols from me.

I looked at Shawn, with a quirked eyebrow, "Do you even know how to aim properly?" I asked.He studied the pistol before meeting my eyes, "How hard can it be? I mean, you just pull this thing back," He pointed to the end of the pistol which you slide back to load the gun. "Then you aim at your target and pull the trigger," He finished.

I sighed deeply before saying, "The others are still waiting for us to get back. We should get some rest because we're leaving tomorrow morning."

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