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Camila and I were back waiting in the janitors closet as Ally's decided to quickly find a car for us to get away in.

We stood in the closet with complete silence in the air. It was too quiet that I was drowning in a sea full of my thoughts. I needed to say something- and so I did, "Aren't you gonna say something?" I asked the younger girl who kept her eyes down. Gosh- she won't even look at me. I took her hand in mine, "Camila, please don't pretend like I didn't just kiss you...." I said and gave her hand a light squeeze.

She looked up to meet my eyes and opened her mouth to speak, "Do you still love me?" She asked suddenly, as she chewed on her bottom lip nervously.

"I- I do love you," I started. "I always loved you..." I confessed.

She nodded, but didn't say anything back and I wondered if she still felt this same after all these years. I sighed. "I love you, and I'm sorry for everything. I'm sorry that I left you when-" She quickly cut me off, "Its not your fault why you decided to leave," She told me. "I was your priority and you were just my second choice because my first was my career.... I understand why you left," She said with a sad smile.

She opened her mouth to speak once more, "I should've picked you when I had the chance, I was just so hooked with my career and everything. I didn't think I'd lose you... But when I did that's when everything went down. I started eating less, doing less... I was tired of everything... I've never felt so empty in my life. I was devastated, so I'm sorry if I made you feel unimportant to me..." She told me.

I now knew this was the moment to tell her the truth... I had too... And so, I did, "I didn't want to leave, Camz. I love you and will always do until my last breath. I didn't leave by choice; I was forced to leave you...." The truth was out — I ducked my head not wanting to see her reaction.

"What?!" I heard her snap.

"I was blackmailed...." I sighed.

I saw her ball her hands up, it caused her knuckles to turn white.

I looked up at her, "Calm down..." I told her while soothing her arm.

"Lauren all these years I've been in pain and you're telling to calm the fuck down!" She yelled. "I thought I ruined everything between us!"

I covered her loudmouth with my hand — afraid an infected zombie might hear us.

She removed my hand and looked into my eyes seriously, "Tell me who blackmailed you?" She demanded.

I didn't want to tell her, but I knew the person who blackmailed me was dead and he couldn't ruin Camila's career anymore.

"Simon Cowell," I said — my heart tightened at the name and I felt sick as it brought back a memory.


It's been a week since I broke up with Camila and I was broken. I didn't want to eat, I didn't want to leave the apartment, and I didn't even want to get up from the couch. All I did was drink away the pain with alcohol. I broke every glass I could find in my apartment as I shouted at myself for being so stupid.

I hated myself for leaving so easily without fighting. I just wanted to lay down forever until I wake from this nightmare — but how could I wake up if this was reality?

Suddenly my phone rang, I haven't been answering calls from anyone — after the break up, I shut everyone out. I didn't know what got in my head this time, but something just told me to pick up the phone at so I did.

"What?!!" I drunkenly spat as I held the phone to my ear.

"I just wanted to say you're welcome."

My stomach turned upon hearing that voice.

I clenched my teeth, "Fuck you, Simon!" I hissed at him. I wanted him dead! I wish I could go to his office and do murder.

"Now! now! Don't speak to me like that... Remember I can still ruin Camila's career..." He said with a grin the other side.

"Leave Camila alone! She's not doing anything wrong, so leave her out of your bullshit!" I yelled as blood began to boil.

"Now, That wouldn't been any fun if I leave your precious little Camila out..." He chuckled and I hated the sound of it. I hated him.

"I swear Simon! Don't mess with her or-" He quickly interrupted me, "Or what Lauren? Tell me what will you do?" I could tell he was grinning from ear to ear on the other side.

"Remember... If you mess with me, you'll be making the biggest mistake in your life... I'll make sure of it," He said seriously, and I gulped down hard knowing what this man was capable of."Just leave Camila out of this... She's already been enough shit that she doesn't even deserve.. I'll do anything just for you to Leave Camila out of this!" I said practically begging Simon.

"You'll do anything? And for what? love?" He asked and laughed. "I'll call you when I need you," He smirked and ended the call.

I put the phone down and felt hot tears start to run down my face.

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