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For second all my vision went blurry and I envisioned my maths class and everyone there, but they were all dead. Blood was sweared all over the tables and intestines and guts were everywhere. As looked to where my maths teacher was, I saw my barbaric self ripping out his heart. Then she ripped off his head, making a crunching sound. I watched in horror. I wanted to look away but my eyes felt like they were forced to watch. 

His head made a soft thump as it landed and rolled on to the floor. It hit my foot and I screamed. Blood was splattered all over the teacher's desk and the whiteboard. Then she took a bite out of the heart and threw it onto the floor. She sucked up the arteries and veins hanging from her mouth as if they were spaghetti or noodles. I felt like vomiting. All she did was smile at me widely, too widely, showing me all her bloodstained teeth.

I forced myself to blink hard and the vision dissolved. I was back in my clean maths class. I swallowed a large lump that was caught in my throat.

'What's wrong Chlöe?" my maths teacher asked, his voice monotone and annoying. He took his time to blink, like he stuttered when he blinked. The fat that was somehow attached to his chin wobbled when he spoke or even moved. He had a huge beer belly and was short and stubby. Our whole class hated him except for his favourite student, Lucy. 

"Nothing, sir," I replied, begrudgingly. I walked over to my seat next to my friends Jennifer, Emma and Aliyah and sat down. I gave them a weak smile and turned around to unpack my bag.

"What do you even keep in that bag of yours?" Jennifer asked, exaggerating her question. 

"Everything," I said with a smirk. 

"Okay, class make sure you have that finished for next lesson!" Mr. Porch said. He said finished and finiched. 


I was walking over to the under-croft when I got a really bad migraine. I closed my eyes and the whole school looked like a mass murder occurred. 

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