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The conclusion of Series 5, and it ends with a cliffhanger that quite literally dangles a few threads to be tugged on.



"Ah, Mr. and Mrs. Pond!" the Apocalypse smiled, opening the TARDIS doors to the two waiting outside. "How was your honeymoon planet?"

"Much better than our first attempt at a honeymoon, thanks," Rory nodded, bringing his luggage onboard.

"There was one odd part of it, though," Amy mused, brushing her hair behind her ear.

"What?" the Time Lady perked up. "A robbery? A murder? The Planet Civil War happening three decades too early?"

"Planet Civil War?" Rose did a double take from the console.

"Er, no, no, and what?" Amy stared.

"Actually, there was this asteroid that kept coming extremely close," Rory scratched his head. "And everyone laughed when we asked why that was."

"Ohhh," the Apocalypse nodded. "You found the asteroid the planet married."


Rose snickered, listening as Amy and Rory became enraptured by the Apocalypse's explanation about the planet they had just visited. She was distracted by a chirp from her cell phone, and she pulled it out, expecting a text from Jack.

She froze, however, when she saw the message that was displayed. "Aunt Rose?" Jenny came over. "Is everything OK?"

Rose quickly pasted a smile on her face. "Yeah, Jen," she nodded, the words flashing on her phone screen before she deleted the message.

Tick tock, goes the clock, they cradled her and rocked her. Tick tock, goes the clock, even for a Tyler.

"Everything is just fine."


To be continued in Series 6!

OK, so . . . again, this book took me waaaaaaay longer than I ever thought it would. I became obsessed with a new fandom when I entered college, which took over my life and distracted me from Doctor Who entirely. However, my muse has returned, and I'm desperately hoping that means I can keep up these series.

I hope I keep that promise, because I have no intentions of abandoning any of these series. Guess we'll have to see where this year takes us!

Thank you to everyone who has stuck around thus far to see the conclusion of this book! I'm hoping to post the next one shortly!

Long live the OTPs!

 ~ Miss Moffat

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