The Pandorica Opens

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*comes crashing in* I SWEAR I DIDN'T MEAN TO BE GONE THAT LONG I HONESTLY DIDN'T. Seriously, I had no idea it would take me this long to finally get one of these chapters out. I promise I haven't abandoned these!

If I ever take that long of a time to update again, it's because college is taking up so much of my time. I do much better writing Doctor Who episodes when I can get it all done in a single sitting, and today is the first time I've had that opportunity all school year. I am so sorry for that, but my education takes the priority around here. For those of you who have stuck around and not abandoned these stories, thank you so much.

I guess this is a good time to make a shoutout - I have been writing, but it's been much easier writing a story that has about 3K-4K words a chapter than a Doctor Who one that could easily be over twice as long. For those of you who are DC fans, I've written a series called "The Unmatched Records" that is SuperArrow. The first book, "One Call Away," is sort of pre-SuperArrow, and it's a rewrite of the Arrow season finale "Lian Yu." The current book, "Won't Let You Down," is completely original and takes place before the current seasons begin. If you're interested, drop on in, because if I'm not doing Doctor Who, that's what I'll be focusing on. I hope it's worth your time, because I'm having a blast writing it. :)

And now, here's hoping my Doctor Who writing hasn't slacked! Ladies and gentlemen - "The Pandorica Opens!"



Amy blinked and looked up when the Apocalypse skipped into the console room, Rose and Jenny running in behind her. "Va what?" she asked, quickly hiding the engagement ring.

"That's all she told us, too," Rose shook her head.

"I can't believe I've never thought of this before!" the Apocalypse ran around the console, flipping levers and switches. "It's genius! Right, landed. Come on!"

"Where are we?" Amy asked, following her towards the door.

"Planet One," she answered. "The oldest planet in the universe, and there's a cliff of pure diamond, and according to legend, on the cliff, there's writing, letters fifty feet high. A message from the dawn of time, and no one knows what it says because no one's ever translated it . . . till today."

"What happens today?" Jenny frowned.

"Us!" the Apocalypse cheered. "The TARDIS can translate anything. All we have to do is open the doors and read the very first words in recorded history."

She opened the doors, and they walked out onto the grassy land. The Apocalypse tilted her head up, all of them looking up at the cliff edge . . . and Amy promptly burst out laughing as the Apocalypse groaned, Rose closing her eyes and shaking her head. "Vavoom!" Amy giggled as Jenny's jaw dropped.

The words in the cliff read Hello, sweetie and other symbols Rose, Jenny, and Amy couldn't figure out.


Obviously they were coordinates, as the Apocalypse piloted them to their next destination, at the edge of a wooded area on a hill. "This is the right place?" Jenny asked, looking around.

"Just followed the coordinates on the cliff face," the Apocalypse nodded. "Earth, Britain, 1:02 am." She frowned, looking up in the sky. "No, pm."

"Caly?" Rose looked down past the hill, eyes wide. "Try AD."

Amy gasped in delight when she saw what Rose had. "That's a Roman legion!"

"Well, yeah," the Apocalypse nodded. "The Romans invaded Britain several times during this period."

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