The Vampires of Venice

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*pokes head in* . . . are people still reading this? I certainly hope so!

Lol, that hiatus was really long, even though it technically wasn't a hiatus. :P That was finishing up two other books, "Experiencing the Impossible" and "Torchwood," which are now onto "Receiving Another Chance" and "Saxon" respectively.

Speaking of "Receiving Another Chance" . . . fellow members of the Order, let's refrain from adding a thousand comments the next time I update that, K? I love you all, I sincerely do, but my phone can only take so many spams a day. Show the thread some love, too. <3

In other news, I think I'm about to start the first OTP one-shot challenge! For those of you who weren't aware, I have been contemplating starting one-shot competitions for certain pairings (where the Order motto came from), and I think I'll start with a pairing that technically got together just recently, though it really was so long ago: Jack and/or SHIELD get Christobelle together. ;) Start thinking up ideas: happy or sad, adventurous or not, as long as you want, because honestly, I bloody love those two together.

Oh, and the Order I keep mentioning is the Order of the Dark Side of Fanfiction. Is it wordy? Yes. Do I regret forming it? Not at all. Are we all bloody insane? Oh, you betcha. }:)

*coughs* Anyway, enough outta me! Rory isn't the only one joining the TARDIS crew for this adventure, Amy gets replaced (not in the relationship area), and Rose defends her sister. :)

Enjoy "The Vampires of Venice!"


"Hey!" Rory called into his phone, plugging one ear so he could talk, the noise of his stag party nearly overwhelming. "It's me. Hello. How are you? The reason for this call is because I haven't told you for seven hours that I love you, which is a scandal, and even if we weren't getting married tomorrow, I'd ask you to marry me anyway. Yes, I would, because you are smashing - " He paused when he heard a familiar song came on, and he turned to see a giant pink cake be wheeled in. "Oh," he blanched. "Oh. Oh, blimey. I've, I've, er, got to go. I'll see you tomorrow!"

He hung up just in time for his friends to push him forward. "Out! Out! Out!" they all chanted.

Someone popped out of the cake, all right - it just wasn't a stripper. Rory blinked in surprise when the Apocalypse turned around to find him. "Rory!" she cheered, climbing out of the cake and sitting on the edge of it. "That's a relief. I thought I'd burst out of the wrong cake again. That reminds me, there's a girl standing outside in a bikini. Could someone let her in and give her a jumper? Lucy? Lovely girl. Diabetic. Now, then, Rory, we need to talk about your fiancée." Rory blinked, wondering what she was going to say, when the Apocalypse jerked her head towards the exit. "Outside, if you please."

"What?" he frowned.

She sighed and walked over to him, putting an arm around his shoulders. "You see, you won't exactly understand until you see where we're going, so if you please, we'll get out of here and I'll get you back as soon as I can. Which, with my luck, could be in another few weeks. Come on, Rory. Let's go."


Amy was talking quietly with Rose and Jenny when the door opened, and a protesting Rory was dragged inside by the Apocalypse. "But where are we going?" Rory demanded, only to stop dead inside the TARDIS. "What?"

"Rory!" Amy grinned, running over to give him a hug.

"Why are you covered in frosting?" Rose frowned.

"Nah, doesn't matter," the Apocalypse waved it off. "One more stop to make before we go."

"One more?" Amy frowned, turning to her. "Where else are we going?"

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