Death of the Apocalypse

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Well, at least I got one of the SJA episodes here. I still can't believe I forgot it way back with the Series 4 Specials, I loved that one. XD

Rose meets another former companion, Jenny makes another friend among the kids, and both decide they shouldn't eat chicken for a while.

Enjoy the last "episode" of the book - "Death of the Apocalypse!"


Sarah Jane Smith was never sure how she found herself in situations like she did now, running through UNIT Base Five with Jo Jones, formerly Grant, on her heels. Actually, she was quite certain how she found herself in these situations; it was the reason they were in the base looking for Rani, Clyde, and Jo's grandson Santiago . . . actually, she was the reason they were in the base looking for Rani, Clyde, and Santiago.

In fact, she ran right into the three trying to get around the corner. "There you are!" she cried, stopping the kids in their paths.

"Sarah Jane, it's the Shansheeth!" Clyde cried, eyes wide. "They're lying through their beaks! They want you and Jo. This whole thing's a trap!"

Sarah Jane made a triumphant noise. "I knew it!"

"Hold on," Jo brightened. "If they're lying, that means the Apocalypse is still alive! Yes!"

Sarah Jane grinned brightly, happy beyond belief that the Shansheeth were lying that the Apocalypse wasn't dead as she high-fived Jo. She was why they had all gathered at the UNIT base, after all: the funeral of the Apocalypse, without any word on what had happened to Rose or Jenny. That had been one tip that something was wrong because the Apocalypse was rarely anywhere without the blondes. The other more glaring reason something was one was that for some reason, the Torchwood team in Cardiff had been nowhere to be found. It was their leader's sister's funeral, surely they would have come!

But she was quickly distracted when Clyde opened his mouth again, but it was certainly not his voice that came out. "Of course I'm still alive, Jo," a female American voice said, making the four others stare at Clyde. "I thought that was obvious! Catch up!"

"I beg your pardon?" Jo sputtered, staring at Clyde.

"Clyde, is that you?" Sarah Jane asked.

"'Course it's not, it's me!" the woman using Clyde's mouth insisted. "I'm using Clyde as a receiver. I've keyed into his residual artron energy so I can organize a very complicated biological swap across ten thousand light years. Hold on!"

Clyde's body suddenly surged with energy, making him yelp in pain before he stumbled forward. "That wasn't me," he sputtered in shock. "That wasn't me speaking! I'm getting – " He paused midsentence, then slowly held up his hand, which didn't look like his own. "That's not my hand . . . because my hand's not white!"

More energy made him spasm, and for a moment, Clyde was replaced by a brunette woman, whose skin matched what Clyde's hand had turned into. "Sorry, Clyde!" she shouted, and the four watched as the two switched between bodies. "But this – " Clyde, then the woman. "Space – " Clyde, then the woman again. "Is – taken!" And finally, the change settled on the brunette woman, who stumbled back. "Oh, good!" she gasped in relief, then shook her head and grinned widely. "So, gosh! That was different. Hello, everyone!"

"Who are you?" Rani narrowed her eyes, causing the brunette to do a double take. "Where's Clyde?"

The brunette woman abruptly snorted. "Come on, Rani, use your brain! Clyde and I swapped places, yes? I'm where he was, he's where I was. Which means, right now – ooo." She grimaced, scratching the back of her head. "He's in . . . a lot of trouble."

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