Back in Miami

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Austin POV
It had been a couple months since the tour ended and I was working hard to complete this album before spring break.
But then, I got sick. I got deathly ill. I could barely breathe. I woke up in the middle of the night and tried to yell for my mom to come help me. I couldn't even talk. I got out of bed and couldn't walk. My body stopped functioning. I fell and made a loud noise that apparently made my mom wake up. She immediately took me to the emergency room. I couldn't believe this was happening. I prayed that night, that I would make it through this and forget her. I would find another girl. In the emergency room, they rushed me in and the results showed that I had a blood clot and inflammation in my throat along with dehydration and a fever. The last couple of days, were terrible. I couldn't sleep or eat or function. Life was unbearable with the pain. The only thing worse, was losing Jasmine.
"We are going to give you medicine and you need to take a long break from singing, dancing, and practicing. You need to stay calm for the next couple of months. We don't want a relapse. If you don't take care of yourself now, it might get worse. We wouldn't want something this small to ruin your career! We will have you stay in the hospital for the next 3 days and then you will go home and sleep. Deal?"
"For today, use this to talk to us!" He handed me a white board.
This was going to be harder than I thought. I didn't realize how much I loved talking until I lost that capability. It was even harder knowing I could, yet I wasn't allowed.
"Hey, your doctors said that you need to push back your tour, Austin."
What? I wrote on the whiteboard! I couldn't believe I had to disappoint my fans.
Everything was going to be pushed back. Ugh. Life always had a way of making things more complicated.
"Goodnight, Mom."
"Goodnight, Austin. I love you!"

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