The Idea

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Jasmine POV cont.

I had to do something about this. I couldn't keep missing school and crying all day long. I had to call him. I had to hear his voice.

I called him about a billion times and thought maybe he was busy. I went home when the buses started pulling out of school. My makeup was ruined and my dad asked what was wrong. I ran upstairs and he followed me.

"Sweetie, you can talk to me? Were people bullying you? Did something happen? Are you okay? Do you want me to call Austin and ask if he wants to come over?"

"No! Dad, Austin moved to Miami permanently this morning!"


" Yeah and that's why I'm crying. We were in love, Dad. We liked each other since sixth grade but neither one of us could admit it. Now he's just gone. Do you know how it felt to lose Mom? Yeah well that's how it feels right now. He was the only person I felt comfortable around. He was the only person I cared about. He loved me for me. He wrote a terribly written journal with a ton of grammatical errors that said he liked me and his teacher told him to chase after his dreams so he promised he would never leave me.But now he's gone. I may never see him again even though I don't want to. He's a jerk. He left me alone. He didn't even tell me he was leaving, he just left. He won't answer any of my calls and I know he has been on his phone because he read my texts!"

"He is a jerk but you still love him, I can see it in your eyes. You should write him a letter and tell him how much you care about him still. Tell him that even if you guys don't work out that you will always love him, no matter what."

"Thanks, Dad. I will do that." I had a really good idea! I decided to write the letter right now.

Dear Austin,

I am very grateful that we confessed our love before you left. I'm glad to know that you care about me and I'm happy for you. This was the right desicion.

* Austin calls.

"Hey whats up? You called me a lot today but my phone was dead and we have been busy today. I'm really sorry about everything. I wasn't brave enough to confront you and break your heart. I know I probably shattered your heart because I wasn't even there to say goodbye and I know that made it 1000x worse for you. I love you , Jasmine Nicole Miller."

"I love you too Austin Carter Mahone! That's why I think we should still be together. I don't want to move on. I'm still in love with you."

"How can we still be together?"

"A long distance relationship! I was just about to-"

"Jasmine have you ever been in a long distance relationship? They don't work. People cheat, you can't cuddle, you can't kiss, you can't hug, and you can't see each other. I'm still in love with you too but we can't be together. Maybe God was telling us to go our separate ways. Maybe we aren't right for each other. I definitely don't deserve you. You deserve an amazing, charming, and funny guy who can make you smile and laugh."

"Austin please don't. I love you and only you. You do deserve me, we deserve each other. God was telling that we might have to fight and if we can get through this than we should be together. I can't live without you."

"Delete me from your contacts, delete our text messages, delete me from your life. Forget about me, because as much as I want to, we can't be together. Goodbye Jasmine."

"No! Austin!"

I heard the beep. I called him back with no luck. I hated him. He put me through all that shit to just leave. All the butterflies and love letters and his 6th grade journal. He's just like all the other guys. He just leaves whenever he wants when something gets serious or he gets scared. I threw my pillow across the room and cried on my other pillow. I hated his guts but I loved him at the same time.

Austin POV

I started crying right after I ended the call. I just broke her heart and she probably hates me. I blocked her number because I knew she would call right back. The love of my life hates me. I had to move on. I decided to go to the beach when I stopped crying.

I couldn't think of any of those girls because she was on my mind. I was thinking of her like crazy. I decided to go back to my hotel after a ton of girls attacked me and were all screaming.

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